Friday, April 28, 2006

How Kitty is Lara...

Last night I was playing Tomb Raider: Legends and the whole time Lara Croft was talking I had the feeling I knew her voice from somewhere. It had a very typical cocky attitude to it that I seemed to have heard before. I just looked up the voice actress... and well.. what can I say, you know how everything and everyone in the entertainment industry is connected? The (new) voice atress for Lara is nobody other than Keeley Hawes, also known as Kitty Butler from the movie Tipping the Velvet. Hehe. Did I make some people want to play the game now?


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New musics... note to self

I like the new Keane single "Is It Any Wonder?". Tom has a Bono thing going on in this song... voice-wise. Not bad at all, sounds like progress, not that I didn't love "Hopes and Fears". Their new album should come out soon, too. Also, new Muse Album to be released (July 3, 2006)! Have to keep my eyes open for that!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Tomb Raider Movie Number 3

Oh whee... aren't I excited?! No, actually, I'm not. I know that being a Tomb Raider fan since I was 15 and played the first game, I NEED to see it and I used to love Angelina, like billions of other people, but that stopped abruptly cause, well we all know why we hate her now... *rolls eyes*. So anyhow... as the reliable source SKY SHOWBIZ (sky news) reports Missus Smugface has agreed to star in the 3rd Tomb Raider Movie. Isn't that grand? So after, to quote kotaku, "popping out what I assume will be the most hideous baby ever", (loved that quote, HAD to add it) Angie will go work out right away and make another movie... Since you know... she doesn't have to take care of three (!!) children. Really... the 2nd Tomb Raider movie was already an abomination, but it had Santorini in it, which is my favourite Island, ever.

I just really hope that if they really do make this 3rd movie, they will refrain from adding a love interest only because it "sells better". Gah. Lara Croft doesn't do love interests... gah! I hated what they did in the 2nd movie... Stick to the games' storyline!!!

Oh well we all know that a Tomb Raider 3 movie would be a complete disaster... talk about low expectations... -___-; Simply. Great. *gagh*

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Clouds are magical...


Taken out of the car....


Here a closeup... I don't wanna post the whole images in high resolution... you know... people steal images on the Internet and all...

But's a pretty sweet photograph... ^____^ Yeh!

Especially the details are amazing! I'll be making printouts of those so if you wanna see it you have to come over hehe >D

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So we survived Easter

So we're back. We ha loads of family fun in the Harz. However I got really sick. As in I got a giant cold... like I haven't had one in ages! From the first day on I had such a sore throat, pressure on my ears (the mountains didn't help) and everything locked up. I feel like crap now and I'm not going back to work tomorrow as planned.

Additionally I picked up two really sick dogs from the dog pension today. I'm going to the vet in a couple of minutes to get them checked out but that's the last time they went to that place. So I'll keep you posted. Here some pictures:

The village, Bad Sachsa was rather cute.

On our way up the Wurmberg we saw some snow...

and on the Brocken there was also snow. ^_____^

We only had nice weather on the first day when we went up the mountain (Angel insists the Harz has no mountains, only hills...) so on the second day we went Ice-skating which was quite fun, if you ignore the blisters I got from the rental plastic Ice Hockey skates... which were dull and wouldn't skate properly. Oh well but the activity itself was fun. We even did the obligatory hand in hand skate to cheesy Kuschelrock music. Wheee! Other than that we BBQed sausages and played a lot of games. Oh and most importantly our secret project which was a movie we made for our parents for their 25th wedding anniversary, was a complete hit. I've never seen my mom and dad cry so much and laugh so much at the same time. To say they loved it would be an understatement. So that was a great success.

I'll go now and collapse on the couch. -___-;

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Peer pressure

Since everyone is doing it:

Create your own Music List @ HotFreeLayouts!

I left out all my soundtracks and those all just all the CDs I could find on my I-pod, I'm sure there are many I forgot that are standing in our CD shelve-units. These should all be mine. A couple are co-owned by me and Angel, well we just all buy them together but those I poste here should be the ones that I picked out, meaning they're my taste of music more than they are hers. There's also some that we both love, of course.

Other than that I'm just loving our Prime Minister who just said he was agains gay people getting married regardless that it's actually legal in this country and he should not discriminate against some people of his country, which he did. Lovely prime minister we have. *rolls eyes*

Monday, April 10, 2006


So I'm really excited about Easter. I'm going to see my family and we're not gonna be in Berlin for a change but in the "mountains" and we'll be going hiking etc and my brother and I shall be doing synchronized katas in the forest (and hopefully we'll tape it)... hehe. There'll be BBQs and Chinese Food and the revelation of our secret project as well as lots of fun & games.

Other than that there are many lovely games out right now that I would love to get and most of them, sadly, point to having to buy the new Xbox.

Animal Crossing is for the Nintendo DS, though. However, Oblivion and Dead or Alive 4 are XBOX 360 and since it's the newest bestest one I'd also get the Tomb Raider 7 for the 360. So now I'll have to wait for a drop in prices or something cause it's all way too expensive. Or maybe I can spend the money I get for my overtime on the 360. Luckily I found out that the 360 plays all my normal xbox games so I can just discard my xbox. (or sell it or give it away to some.) Does anyone here want an old xbox? lol Those things are already piling up on the 2nd hand websites... pretty useless... sadly... going for 80 Euros and less and will only drop rapidly... My first thought is giving it to my brother, but he does not have a TV and my mom would DEFINATELY not approve him playing video games since he also plays too many PC games and also he has a Nintendo DS. Hmmm maybe my sister... I could give it to her... Hmmm. I have to ask her. ^___^

Also, I just read that they are releasing FABLE the Lost Chapters (the one they released for PC only with the 1 extra world to go to) for the XBOX No fair!!! I should get it for free for exchange of the original game. Those meanos!!! *cuddles fablegame* I wuv thee.

The only game I have not yet found a confirmation for working on the 360 for is Angel's favourite: Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball. So we might have to look into that.

Oh and I ran 35 minutes through the dunes yesterday morning. It was a lovely sunny day so I was motivated. Went pretty well. We also painted the upstairs toilette. I'm telling you... it's BRIGHT pink, rather intrusive, but oh well... I'm usually only there when I'm still asleep so it matters not. lol

So yeah. Expect radiosilence over the WE and loads of photos afterwards. ^___^

(P.S.: I'm even more excited about the 5th Tefkaak anniversary XD)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

BSG rant - warning: contains spoilers - highlight to read

Start highlighting now at own risk:

Okay, we've just watched Episodes 2.14-2.16 and I have 1 major question: When the frack did everyone change love interests? I mean already in Ep 2.13 Dee had the chem with Lee but where the hell did that come from and when did she not love Billy? What the hell? With the oberservation deck and all? Jeebus. That's all just crap. And I thought Lee was hung up on that girl he left and then with the hooker and alland now Dee? And why was Halo so happy play fighting with Starbuck? What in the frack? Only thing I was happy about was to see some Sharon with open hair. Heh. I sided with the Cylons ever since I found out she was one and the lastly seen Episodes just confirmed it over and over again what kind of shitfracks humans are and that what Boomer said to Adama Senior back then why Cylons hate Humans so much, that made total sense and it's why I hate humans so much as well. So easy pick, I'm with the toaster. Also I had sort of a deja vu in Ep 2.15 from Ep. 216. Both Lee (in 2.15) and Starbuck (2.16) went through the exact same shit with the being hung up on a dead person and being shit because of it. Anyone run out of story lines recently? So yeah so far I'm hating the Episodes and Billy dying wasn't a shocker either since I already got spoiled for that :K So yeah... and since when can stabuck not shoot??? What the frack??? Worst timing for the twitching arm syndrome ever? And don't get me started on "Scar". *rolls eyes* Okay time to stop ranting. THANK THE GODS, Angel just told me that those Eps weren't written by Mr. Moore cause otherwise I would have just puked him out.

okay spoilers are over now :D Hehe... :D

Friday, April 07, 2006

Random stuffs


Small pixel stuffs heh. Yepp that's meh. ^___^

Thursday, April 06, 2006

mental Note

Must go see "V for Vendetta". Has Nathalie Portman and Hugo Weaving in it. Gets good reviews from trustworthing sources. So there. Watch. It.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"I've always wanted to eat glass with you again but i never knew how" - The Mars Volta

As usual with good music you have to listen to an album over and over again to discover more and more things you love about it. I have this with "Frances the Mute" by The Mars Volta. I simply love it more and more everytime I listen to it. I can't exactly describe it and you need to love guitars but I can really recommend it. So check them out as soon as you can. I've been a Mars Volta fan before they existed as such. Hehe. I was already At the Drive-In follower for 2 albums when they split up and formed 2 new bands Mars Volta and Sparta. I also love Sparta, have all their albums as well but Mars Volta sort of stay my favourites. ^___^ They are amazing musical geniuses!!!

Anyhoo. I've been stepping up my sports activities recently. I'm now going running on a regular basis at work (since it's with a group, you kinda have to... haha) and Angel and I are dragging ourselves to Yoga on saturdays. Last weekend I also had 2 special Karate days with a guest Sensei teaching uber advanced stuffs (well for me at least, I was also the lowest belt and he spoke French when he explained stuff which could have been just as well Chinese or something) So regardless of the difficulties and the enormous bruises all over my body ("sniff, my girlfriend hits me") it was quite interesting! And I keep thinking despite me lacking the instinct to hit people Karate really is the right thing for me. I just have to learn to counter attack since now I'm all like "oh wow I blocked all that haha," and I keep forgetting to finish the enemy. Silly me. I still love Katas the best. They are the most difficult things I think in Martial arts, cause in order to do them perfectly you need so much control over your body and your mind it's not even funny. Most people get too impatiant for katas, they say it's "boring" and "won't help you in real situations" which is why you have to balance between katas, kumite (sparring) and kihon cause they all compliment each other. Anyways, so katas need to be timed perfectly, and you have to go as low as possible, keep your body tense or relaxed at the right moments and most importantly show the right attitude of determination, concentration, and skill. So yeah, as I said, very difficult. I have learned that Kumite (sparring) is a matter of practice for speed and reflex. A bit of creativity comes in handy as well but I need to... *blush* use combos from Dead or Alive (Hitomi) -___-; Which atually work... ^___^ hehehehe. I'm so smooth! Heh!

On a different note, We'll be taking off to the highest East German mountain in 1,5 weeks to celebrate my parents 25th wedding anniversary. Camera will come along naturally. Hehe. So I hope you can finally see some more pictures. :D (btw I rejected the toilette pictures from internet publication cause well... as cool as it may look, it's still a toilette and if you wanna see it, well you have to come over with a full bladder. ^___-;)