Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Peer pressure

Since everyone is doing it:

Create your own Music List @ HotFreeLayouts!

I left out all my soundtracks and those all just all the CDs I could find on my I-pod, I'm sure there are many I forgot that are standing in our CD shelve-units. These should all be mine. A couple are co-owned by me and Angel, well we just all buy them together but those I poste here should be the ones that I picked out, meaning they're my taste of music more than they are hers. There's also some that we both love, of course.

Other than that I'm just loving our Prime Minister who just said he was agains gay people getting married regardless that it's actually legal in this country and he should not discriminate against some people of his country, which he did. Lovely prime minister we have. *rolls eyes*


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