Thursday, March 30, 2006


So yesterday I had to work pretty late and by the time I could go home I was tired and unmotivated and facing the long bike ride home was the last thing I wanted to do, eventhough I wanted to BE home. So I decided for it to go faster and be less dull I'll just count. Yes, count, as in, with numbers. So I started counting. I counted in German, by the way, since that's still the most natural language for me to count in. When 40 minutes later I stuck the
key in my frontdoor's lock I had reached 1280, or "Eintausend-zweihundert-achtzig". While I was counting I noticed several things. I stumbled over some numbers whereas others just rattled into my brain easily. For example it felt strange to count from 510 to 511 instead from 510 to 520. And after the 50s I just wanted to jump to 100 (e.g. 250, 300, 350). Very strange.

Also it's odd that I counted to exactly 1280. My screen resolution at home is 1280 x 1024 pixels. also 1+2+8+0 = 11, it's now 11.46 (46 turned around = 64) and 1280 = 64 x 20. Also 12x80 = 960 which again is also a resolution for the computer screen: 1280x960.
I could go on and on... but I gotta go running. at 12 which is in 8 minutes (at least at my clock here) ... -_-;


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