Saturday, April 08, 2006

BSG rant - warning: contains spoilers - highlight to read

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Okay, we've just watched Episodes 2.14-2.16 and I have 1 major question: When the frack did everyone change love interests? I mean already in Ep 2.13 Dee had the chem with Lee but where the hell did that come from and when did she not love Billy? What the hell? With the oberservation deck and all? Jeebus. That's all just crap. And I thought Lee was hung up on that girl he left and then with the hooker and alland now Dee? And why was Halo so happy play fighting with Starbuck? What in the frack? Only thing I was happy about was to see some Sharon with open hair. Heh. I sided with the Cylons ever since I found out she was one and the lastly seen Episodes just confirmed it over and over again what kind of shitfracks humans are and that what Boomer said to Adama Senior back then why Cylons hate Humans so much, that made total sense and it's why I hate humans so much as well. So easy pick, I'm with the toaster. Also I had sort of a deja vu in Ep 2.15 from Ep. 216. Both Lee (in 2.15) and Starbuck (2.16) went through the exact same shit with the being hung up on a dead person and being shit because of it. Anyone run out of story lines recently? So yeah so far I'm hating the Episodes and Billy dying wasn't a shocker either since I already got spoiled for that :K So yeah... and since when can stabuck not shoot??? What the frack??? Worst timing for the twitching arm syndrome ever? And don't get me started on "Scar". *rolls eyes* Okay time to stop ranting. THANK THE GODS, Angel just told me that those Eps weren't written by Mr. Moore cause otherwise I would have just puked him out.

okay spoilers are over now :D Hehe... :D


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