Thursday, November 30, 2006

I think it's time for a new layout, no?

Long time no post. I seem to only ever write something when I want to complain. ^___^;

Anyhoo. So what's up in a Kuschi's life? Well it's really busy at work. I am really really enjoying my clarinet lessons and Karate is also going great. 3rd Kyu exams have been postponed until 2007 which gives me more time to practice. Our Gym is sadly also closed so it's gonna be flailing limbs about in my living room ^___^.

Other than that we're going to the Placebo Concert tomorrow night in Rotterdam and I hope not so many people will smoke in the audience. On a upside things seem to look up at work regarding the smoking policies. They have started placing smoker suction table machines everywhere. Those tables that come with an umbrella sorta roof with a uge ventilation system. I hope this means smoking will get banned to those areas only cause I'm really fed up with working with smoke all around me. I hate smokers, have I mention that? Oh but yeah, no complaining ^___^;

I've been going to the dentist a lot recently and I hate it so much. The dentist and assistent are really nice and they know how to handle people with dentist fear (= everyone) and it's not their fault. I just generally dislike lying there with my jaw pryed open for more than an hour having them rumble around on my teeth and dislocating me jaw joints. -____-; Today I had so much jaw pain I had to leave work early and missed probably the most important Karate training so far. *cry* I tried to stay but the more the anestatic wore off the more I wanted to just ram my head into a wall. I had to give up and that sucks so much cause I really really wanted to go train Kata Empi. It's a priviledge for a blue belt to get taught such a kata. *sigh* I really hope my sensei will let me join the followup training next week despite the fact that I missed today's training. I hate missing Karate even more than I hate having pain from the dentist. *cry*

Not to metion after all the exhaution from the dentist, cycling back and forth through the first freezing day of winter, the pain killers, the anestetic and a lack of sleep I fell asleep for 20 minutes on my desk, with a still open pen in my hand and my head on the keyboard. When I woke up I was so terrified that someone had seen me I didn't even notice that I had keyboard print all over my face. Luckily noone saw cause my door was closed and my colleague was out for lunch. It's a good thing I went home. There's no way I could have trained. Still sucks, though :3 :( When I came home I collapsed on the couch at 4 p.m. and slept 3 hours straight until Angel came home from her tap dancing class. I feel better now, have a good painkiller and tomorrow I have the day off to chill out and rest for the concert at night. :)

Other than that I'm really excited that they are making "FABLE 2". Fable is one of my favourite video games ever. I had the orginal for the XBOX but they released another version with extended content for the PC and I bought that one as well and played it through several times as well xD The game is so appealing to me because you have all options open. You can be anyone you wanna be and the decisions you make in life shape your character. Well you can't really be anyone because in Fable, you could only play a boy/man. That is gonna change in "Fable 2" so I can finally also play a girl :D yay!!!

So yeah anyhoo. Enough with the game talk. xD

Christmas is coming closer and we still haven't got many presents. We don't even have a clue really, what to get for most people. :/ Buying presents for 2 full sets of families is insane. Not just moneywise but all the planning and the secret finding out stuffs etc. Hard work! x3

Oh well, we'll survive. Two more weeks of work left!!! Wheee! :D

Monday, November 06, 2006

The World Cheers for Murder

I'm sure everyone has heard or read in the news this weekend about Saddam Hussein being sentenced to death by hanging. That in itself wasn't a big shock since he was purposfully tried in a court that can legally give out capital punishment. However, what shocked and disgusted me so much, was the international reaction not just by country leaders and ministers but also by people on the net or people in my surroundings whom I though to be well-educated, intellectual people. Everyone is cheering. Accept for Amnesty International and Angel, I have yet to hear someone raise a finger and go "erm... wait a sec".

Don't get me wrong. That asshole needs to be punished. Greatly. I had just preferred he'd by trialed by a UN court that recognizes the Human Rights according to the Human Rights Treaty.
I'm against death penalty and I won't make an exception just cause everyone around me screams it. I don't hate people who are pro capital punishment, it's their opinion however the one thing bothers me so much isthe hypocracy I saw the past 2 days in people who say they are against the death penalty, and yet for Saddam, they make an exception. That's a double standard. People say Turkey should not be allowed in the EU cause they still have capital punishment, however when the big evil gets it, then we'll have a party and we talk of justice.

If you're all for death penalty, great, fine you can have your party but those people who think the world is so black and white that they can shove all "evil" people in the exception bucket, gah... I'm really dissapointed. You cannot be against death penalty, and then make an exception. Then you are FOR it.

I can understand that his victims want him dead. That's a natural thing. Wanting revenge. I can't blame them.

However, the people who bother me so much, are people like our Prime Minister, the leader of a western country, publicly saying that "justice has been served" whereas we are supposed to be a civilized country and we have banned death penalty years ago. That pisses me off. And not just our prime minister. It seems everyone agrees.

Am I standing completely alone here?

I feel like this:
Especially someone like a dictator, being HUNG, with, I'm sure, the whole world watching, makes him the center of the world in the last seconds of his life. He will get all the attention, good or bad, that he doesn't deserve. He'll be killed so he'll be like a martyr. He doesn't deserve it. He will go with all that power. All eyes on him. And even if it's not gonna be on TV everyone will think of him when it happens and he will know that. His victims or their families will see him/ think of him. Hate thim. Fear Him. Feel pain in their hearts. That is power. And he will have it.

Now tell me, to a guy who wants nothing more than have power and sow fear in people's heart, if that sentence is carried out, he will die, doing exactly that.

If he had been trialed by the ICC or a UN tribunal he would have gotten a fair trial, sentenced to life and died as a tiny old man, all alone, with noone giving a shit.

Anyhoo that's what I think. And I need to believe in this justice system cause otherwise we might all just carry guns and shoot anyone we think deserves it. Cause normally, you don't shoot people, but this one guy he beat up your friend, so he deserves it...


Mankind is doomed. We are such fucking scum.