Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Spit Spot!

So I'm 1 chapter away from finishing off Mary Poppins Returns the second in the series of Mary Poppins books and man, I have to say I love Mary Poppins even more in the books than in the movie. I did like Mary Poppins, the character already a lot but I don't like Julie Andrews the actress. She has that "I'm so much better than you" thing about her. Eventhough I did like her as the character of Mary Poppins, it still bothered me a bit. Maybe it was all the smiling and the happy songs in the movie, I dunno.

However, in the books, Mary Poppins is just plain awesome! I love how she has such a kind heart but she hardly shows it. And she barely ever smiles, just slightly. And it totally cracks me up when she stops to stare at herself in the shopwindow for 10 minutes and then she yells at the kids for making her wait. Haha. But she has such kindness in her and she does really help the children and they go on such marvelous adventures.


Well, I love characters like her. Just as I love Bree van de Kamp and Mrs. Coulter, Lyra's Mother from His Dark Materials.

I don't know what it is, but I'm always drawn to characters like that.

Mary Poppins is still the least scary of them. :D

And I love how the books have so much mythology in ithem as well and how Mary Poppins is, I don't know... like a Goddess or something. Everyone knows and loves her. She must be hundreds of years old. And yeah, she's only strict to the kids, and boring people. She's kind to animals and other beings.

Cool. Well I think we need to order the other 5 books xD I hope she stays the same in all the books :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Root Canals and Clarinets

On Friday I had my first Root Canal treatment. It hurt less than I expected so eventhough I was sore most of the weekend it wasn't nearly as bad as getting your wisdom teeth pulled. Also I'm happy I finally have a good dentist who will fix my teeth.

Tomorrow I have my first clarinet lesson. Yepp. I'm so excited I'm driving people around me up the walls. We'll see how it goes but I'm so happy that now I can be part of the world of my brother and sister. I could be angry at myself for not starting earlier but there's no point and everything needs to happen in its own time as well. At least I should be able to play with my family at christmas :D Whee! :D


Speaking of family, we're going to Berlin again on Friday, early enough for me to finally sit in my brother's Karate lesson. I'm really excited about that as well. And he is, too. :D Saturday will be family birthday with Bowling and all that and Sunday I'll finally show Angel the Zoo and/or Tierpark.

Other than that the number of bathrooms in the Tefkaak Mansion hase been reduced to 1 again. Although so far it's just an empty stripped down mess which shall be plastered next week. Another IKEA trip on the list :D

So yeah. That's what's happening in the life of the Kuschi at the moment. And can you believe I made peanutbutter cookies last week? :o woah!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Piracy - yarrr!

So now piracy is bad for the US economy:

U.S. economy losing more than $20B to film piracy

Sure blame it on someone else...

I'm not denying the damage that people do by SELLING illegal copies of movies and CDs but what do the authorities do? The go and arrest the kids that just download it.

Not to mention that CRAP they call legal downloads and copy control!! As a person who doesn't download illegal music I feel so fucking ripped off when I spend 15 bucks on a CD that I can't even play in my car CD player or that whines when I wanna put it on my iPod. What the fuck? I paid for it!!! Same with DVDs, some Disney DVDs wouldn't play in our old DVD player because of their copy control. And don't get me started on that 20 minutes preview/advertisment shit in front of the movie menu which I can't even forward or skip and that in PURCHASED DVDs!!!

And legal downloads are very often faulty, crappy quality and have so many bugs that you can't even play it.

And don't forget, with the enormous "quality" of nowadays rock/pop music and Hollywood films, it's just puzzling why not more people want to pay money for it. *rolls eyes* Both industries need to produce less shit!!! Seriously yesterday in the top 100 albums of all times, only about 10 were post 80s all the rest was older.

Get the hint. Too much, and too crappy!!!

Grrr... no wonder so many people don't buy that shite anymore...