Monday, October 02, 2006

Piracy - yarrr!

So now piracy is bad for the US economy:

U.S. economy losing more than $20B to film piracy

Sure blame it on someone else...

I'm not denying the damage that people do by SELLING illegal copies of movies and CDs but what do the authorities do? The go and arrest the kids that just download it.

Not to mention that CRAP they call legal downloads and copy control!! As a person who doesn't download illegal music I feel so fucking ripped off when I spend 15 bucks on a CD that I can't even play in my car CD player or that whines when I wanna put it on my iPod. What the fuck? I paid for it!!! Same with DVDs, some Disney DVDs wouldn't play in our old DVD player because of their copy control. And don't get me started on that 20 minutes preview/advertisment shit in front of the movie menu which I can't even forward or skip and that in PURCHASED DVDs!!!

And legal downloads are very often faulty, crappy quality and have so many bugs that you can't even play it.

And don't forget, with the enormous "quality" of nowadays rock/pop music and Hollywood films, it's just puzzling why not more people want to pay money for it. *rolls eyes* Both industries need to produce less shit!!! Seriously yesterday in the top 100 albums of all times, only about 10 were post 80s all the rest was older.

Get the hint. Too much, and too crappy!!!

Grrr... no wonder so many people don't buy that shite anymore...


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