Monday, July 10, 2006

When my palm is grey...

... it means that I was drawing during lunch. I hadn't done proper pencil drawings in ages and well this one is also only rough lineart due to the short break but I will scan it in tonight and start shading. When I set my mind to it I can actually draw a decent line. I just need to concentrate and draw slowly and not wishy-washy sketch about.


Why did I sit and draw during lunch today, you ask? Well because Karate class is off for the Summer until late August, and because I have a nasty Sinus Infection that I'm fighting with antibiotics I can't go running until Thursday, which is enough time since my fever last week. Yeah I haven't been forthcoming with updates about being sick but it's no big deal, basicly I felt like real big shit and now I feel like only a little bit of shit. Nice, no?

I'm trying to finish off as many things as possible at work before I'm off for 2 weeks in July and August, which is when my folks are coming over and when we also hopefully have a finished bathroom. So keep all your fingers crossed for finished constructions, healthy Kuschis and nice weather when I'm off work! If you do good finger-crossing I promise you cookies!


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