Sunday, January 30, 2005

I also play the Sims2

And this is my dream house I just built. *proud is*

Cool he? I had to uses hacks to get the roof above the pool done and also to get the hot tub into the pool. But it works. :) Right after I started playing it, though I crashed. But I still made nice screenshots. :) And I saved the house so it's alright.

Angel is more of the player and I'm more of a builder... I get bored with the sims fast... but I love to build houses and malls and such. :) stay tuned for me creations soon... maybe... :P

Saturday, January 29, 2005

3 entities I love...


A momentum shot in the Tefkaak residence on a Saturday evening.


I'm gonna join them now... try to find a spot left on that couch. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ich verspreche, ein guter Jungpionier zu sein. Ich will nach den Geboten der Jungpioniere handeln

("I promise to be a good young-pioneer. I want to act on the comendmenst of the Young-pioneers")

I was one and yes I'm proud.




WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben unsere Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
(We young-pioneers love our German Demokratic Republic)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben unsere Eltern.
(We young-pioneers love our parents)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben den Frieden.
(We young-pioneers love peace)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE halten Freundschaft mit den Kindern der Sowjetunion und aller Lander.
(We young-pioneers keep friendship with all children of the sowjet union and of all countries)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lernen fleissig, sind ordentlich und diszipliniert.
(We young-pioneers study hard, are tidy and disciplined)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE achten alle arbeitenden Menschen und helfen uberall tuchtig mit.
(We young-pioneers respect all working people and we help out everywhere we can)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE sind gute Freunde und helfen einander.
(We young-pioneers are good friends and help each other)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE singen und tanzen, spielen und basteln gern.
(We young-pioneers like to sing and dance, to play and craft ("knutselen") )
WIR JUNGPIONIERE treiben Sport und halten unseren Korper gesund.
(We young-pioneers do sports and keep our body healthy)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE tragen mit Stolz unser blaues Halstuch.
(We young-pioneers proudly wear our blue necktie)
Wir bereiten uns darauf vor, gute Thalmannpioniere zu werden.
(We prepare to become great Thalmann-pionioneers)


It's not so much the gooeyness about it, but more that I have good memories from back then. The pioneers were also a after school thing. You can kind of compare it as a counter thing to the "hitlerjungend". It made sure that all children learned how to be tidy, clean and healthy and do sports etc. With a difference that it also taught us to be friends with everyone and love peace and hate war. Respect your elders and help where you can, do your homework etc. We didn't even question it. We just did it and when I compare it to the kids from nowadays being a young-pioneer back then was a good thing. :P

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

When you put things in your head...

The Kuschi has done that quite often and just as often have those things also left the Kuschi head again.

However, (I can hear Angel moan) not much has been stuck in my head like Japanse martial arts ("budo") and samurai swords. I was obsessed with it as a kid (thanks to the "MOSAIK" comics) but then of course I never thought I'd be able to ever learn that. I hated judo lessons as a kid (because the throws gave me headaches) and I quit again right away. However with Kill Bill I got totally into the swords again and I researched a bit and guess what, at my work I can take aikido classes in my lunchbreak and there is also actually a dojo here in the Hague that teaches the art of kendo and iaido (this is the one with the katana (those specific swords) fighting). The aikido times are sadly the same as my japanese language classes but I only have them until the end of next months and after that I will start aikido. I can't wait. I've been wanting to do a fighting sports for a long time and aikido is best since it can also incorporate iaido and in general it's using your oponents strength against them, so also a weak Kuschi can do it.

Just for the heck of it I have ordered a practice katana (wooden with foam coating so even the dumbest Kuschi can't hurt herself) for 20 bucks online, since it was so cheap and I always wanted one. :P In that same shop they also had those bamboo slippers and those socks that have the big toe seperate for only 5 bucks. I didn't buy anything else, though.

In case you're interested the site is: and they also have other decorative weapons. But they are mostly specialized in budo.

And this is a real katana (no foam coating :P):


I know of course nobody will think I will go through with this, but I stuck with the Japanese language classes and I will continue studying after the course is over. So there. :P

Monday, January 24, 2005

Snow... more like slush...

This morning it looked like this:



So we had quite a bad storm last night that brought some snowflakes. Some of them were still on the roads this morning and it had mixed to some weird slush substance that made it impossible to bike. I took the tram but I slipped twice on my way there. I was happy I had decided against biking. I'm sure it was all gone 1 hour later but that's what I get for starting work early.

On a different note I have passed my probation period now and I also settled some money issues which finally gives us the opportunity to go to the "makelaar" and start looking for a new house. Aren't we thuper? :) Also start your bets on wether the Tefkaak is finally gonna move its ass to Paris for its 4th birthday this year. Regardless of that this year is going to be exciting I think :)

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Okay, so you know how you always think, "well Americans and Christians cannot get any worse?" But then they do something even more stupid?

Well guess what. They have come up with a new "theory" about why dinasaurs died out: Noah didn't let them on his arc and they drowned!!! What the hell?

They made a "Creation Museum" about that whole thing where they teach children how the T-rex is a monster that has been created by Adam's sin!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!

Here the museum: (be warned it's a christians website!) Creation Museum

Prepare to puke and want to smash their faces...

Also, not suprisingly, the US wants to implement the Creation into Biology classes in High School!!! So much for freedom of religion.

Really the US is the only country were people are so stupid that tha let their government violate every single paragraph in their constitution and STILL stand behind them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

ARGH!!! (Beware rant contaminated area)

So I sit in the tram on my way back home from work. I am on the seat right behind the tram operator/driver and I start to smell cigarette smoke. My first thought is someone got on the tram who just smoked and still stinks of it but then it got worse. Someone was actually smoking IN the tram! Not only is it dangerous, it's also completely illegal and can result in huge fines.

So I look around and try to find what kind of an a-social idiot would be smoking in the tram but I cannot see anyone behind me. The tram is close the final stop so it's empty and I'm convinced nobody behind me is smoking. So when I get up and skoot the the door I step around the cabine the operator/driver sits in and can see him... and guess what's in his hand? A GODDAMN FUCKING CIGARETTE... Can you believe it??? He's smoking while he's on duty! In the tram! Exposing the passengers to the filthy crap!!!

Anyhow. Basil, is there anything I can do? I remember the tram number and time. (3048; 17:00; Frederik Hendriklaan) I know it's the HTM but maybe they have a complaint system that you know about.

Argh, this really should not be happening.

Not only do I have to sit through 8,5 hours of smoke at my work, now I also have to endure it in the PUBLIC TRANSPORT...

Okay... I fixed my bike yesterday, I don't care if I freeze to death. I'm biking again as of tomorrow.


You Harvest What You Sow.

When people get what they deserve.

So last night in Amsterdam a woman was driving in her car, all of a sudden two young men on a scooter ride up rip her car open and steal her bag. When they try to take off the woman starts to chase them in her car and a little while later the have an accident. One of the men (19) dies.

Of course family and the rest of his people (well guess what country the man was fom? Not very hard to guess....) come up and harrass the woman and also they start getting angrier and call her a murderer and stuff.

The police is still trying to find out what happened, if it was just an accident, which can very well happen if you chase and those scooter folk never wear a helmet anyways, or if she did it on purpose (not to kill them but at least to crash them).

I personally don't give a damn about that fucking thief. I mean he didn't deserve to die but he deserved to pay. Any way I see it his death was an accident. If it was just a normal crash then nothing is wrong to begin with and the woman can just walk free and if she did crash them because she was angry it was a heat of the moment thing. If you don't want to piss people off, don't steal from them.

And you know what, the death of that asshole doesn't move me one bit, I'm more concerned with the woman and that she can get out of it without being found guilty. Either way she didn't mean to kill him and it should count as self defense or because of the anger maybe momentarily "unzurechnungsfähig" whatever that is in english.

And now a completely politically incorrect statement:
If all people who get robbed, beaten up or whatever else would accidently kill the people that do it to them, then there would be a lot less scum in this country...

If you take off on your scooter on high speed and a person you harmed is angry behind you, then there's a big chance you can get hurt. It's a coincidence that the dude died. I mean, a hostage taker has the risk of being shot by the police. If you don't wanna get harmed don't do crime cause crime does not come with a health or life insurance...

Friday, January 14, 2005

And there I thought I was crazy...

For while now I have had the feeling that it got darker over the past years. Not in sunshine, but when there were loads of clouds, I had the feeling that it didn't used to be so dark when I was a kid. Since I'm generally known to have a screw lose I thought I was imagining things. However, turns out global warning is not what we should worry about but Global Dimming. Less sunlight is getting through our athmosphere because the shit we pollute it with reflects sunlight and also makes clouds thicker and stay thick longer. "Over the past 50 years, the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth has decreased by about 3% a decade."

This also explains why it gets loads colder in places with not much sunshine (global dimming) and a lot hotter yet in countries without much clouds (global warming).

Also water does not evaporate as fast anymore, since less sunrays are reaching the oceans.

If you're interested, some articles here:
and good old wikipedia

I just wish people would stop being so selfish and greedy with the oil industry and stop boycotting environmental friendly research. Argh!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Music List (Update 16 Jan.)

1. What is the total file size of the MP3's on your computer?
lemme check... I only really have anime and game soundtracks, the rest are not in mp3 format since I transfer them from the CDs to my MD player.
3,55 GB, yeah I have a lot of J-pop also... all the stuff you cannot buy as a European...

2. What is the last CD you bought?
BandAid 20 single, it has Bono on it, so good excuse. :P
Music DVD: Björk - videos.

3. What is the last song you heard before reading this?
Schnappi das kleine Krokodil, yeah I was bugging Angel with it.... haha!

4. Name 4 songs you listen to a lot or that mean a lot to you.
I hate things like this. I can never remember anything.

1) "Mary Ann" - The Temptations. My parents had this on vinyl when I was a kid and I loved this song so incredibly much. I could not find it anywhere on CD or as mp3 or anything since. I miss this song and I am still looking for it.
2) "One Armed Scissor" - At the Drive In The best song to get all your agression out to. Still one of my all time favourite bands. They split up and now I have 2 lol.
3) "Twilight" - Elliot Smith One of the saddest love songs out there. Quite sad but also good in a way.
4) "Stumble And Fall" - Razorlight It's one of those songs I found out about on MTV2. There is no way anyone can sit still hearing it. It's one of them songs that give you the push to keep on going whatever shit you have ahead of you. Lightens up the mood! :)

5. To which 3 people do you pass this on and why?
Dana - Just to bug her :P
KaJane - And yes you can also post SIM2 soundtracks, :) hehe
Bas - You don't have to do this if you don't wanna, I just needed a 3rd person. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Like I haven't posted enough yet today...

Schnappi das Krokodil

Yeah, I know that I'm slow but well hehe....


Carrot dear did you know about this???

:D hehe


"Ich bin Schnappi das kleine Krokodil... lalala..."

from 12chen and carrot

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you..."

Taishikan de pati ga arimasu kara.
("There's a party at the ambassy.")

-> My Japanese book.

Murphys law and such

Yeah, so this morning I was biking to work and I biked past a constructions site which is quite a mess. All of sudden I hear a clacking noise.... *clack* *clack* *clack*. I take out my ear-plugs and check and it's coming from my bike so I stopped and pulled my bike off the road. I could not figure out what it was but when I pushed my bike every so often I'd hear that noise again. I thought something was stuck on the rim or something. After minutes of searching I found the cause: A rusty nail, stuck on the outside of my back tire. The clacking sound came from the nail hitting the protection cover thing that is over the tire... well, nice I thought. At least it was not leaking air so it must be superficially... I pull out the nail and pffffttt. All air gone... great. So I park and lock my bike somewhere at a lamp post and run to catch a tram. I was at work at 8:30 which means I cannot leave before 5 p.m., which also means by the time I get home all bike fixing places are closed. Now I cannot ride it until I get it fixed on the weekend... suckiness! Arghness.

But then again I think how happy I should be that all that goes wrong in my life is a stupid nail in my tire...

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I present you:



I know this will only be funny to all Dutch Shin-Chan fans but man... it deserves this... :P

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

LOL I just needed to post this:
