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# A drop of light    03'02'27 20:14    link

this photo was taken from the International Space Station. Staggeringly beautiful, isn't it? And you won't know what it is unless you mouseover here. Trust me, look first.
And another great find: the video to Mickey3D's Respire. Not for the weak of bandwidth, but very, very worth it.

# and another launch    03'02'17 09:47    link

And yet another website launched: an online Latin-Dutch dictionary. Amsterdam University Press sure knows where to throw a party: De Jaren...

# These weapons of mass destruction cannot be displayed    03'02'17 09:16    link

The country might be experiencing technical difficulties...

[via Bluap]

# liberation?    03'02'13 21:56    link

Calling 365 days fun to browse is not doing this great project justice. There are some true gems in there, like this rendition of Wind beneath my wings which really does it for me. I'm serious. I was touched and shed a genuine tear.

Strange days, these days, strange days.
A looming war that, well, like everyone else I've discussed it with, I'm mmostly confused about. IMHO there is little that can justify the horrors of war, except to overthrow a truly evil dictatorship. In some circumstances. Only in the worst case, really.
Think Hitler. Think Kim Il Sung.
Saddam might be in this category.

However, let's suppose that the US attacks Iraq, overthrows the regime with a limited amount of streetfighting. With just a couple of hundred thousand of civilian casualties. It happened in WW II. It is horrible, but it happens. Say that all went well, Saddam didn't go out with a bang over Tel Aviv. Just suppose, cause it might not be so relatively benign. Suppose.
Then, what is the use of a liberation is not followed up? Europe got the Marshall plan after WW II. Even Germany. But look at the current situation in Afghanistan, it is clear that currently the U.S. - and actually most of the western world - is not really interested in a humanitarian-oriented approach to international relations.
Afghanistan is still a mess. Opium output is back to record levels due to weak central government and a lack of international commitment. You'd think that if anything, the current US government would at least be serious about drugs.

I would love there to be a way for Hussein to be overthrown; he's ruthless, if not mad. But then, even if we limit it to the region - Syria, anyone? Or looking further around the globe, there are similar horrific dictatorships which terrorize their people, and being so succesful at it that regime change from within is not to be expected anytime soon.
But this US government is like a bull let loose in a china shop - and when it's time to rebuild, it'll be long gone. And don't even get me started on the possible economic reasons.
All this to say that I will be at the demonstration this saturday. That is, after I put in my shift collecting money for Amnesty in a shopping centre up North, arranged long before this date gained its international significance as world-wide protest day.

# A sense of justice    03'02'13 20:12    link

" Some predicted, jokingly, that they would be converted back to warehouses."

# another quiz doing the rounds    03'02'12 14:36    link

Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

Hm. Well at least I didn't get OpenVMS. But not as sexy as, say FreeBSD...

# This beauty    03'02'09 01:31    link

This beauty has me stunned. What an ode to Iceland.