Wednesday, July 27, 2005

When teh Kuschi watches shows that she always thought are dumb...

... she discovers that they might be worth watching for a while, despite still being dumb. Reasons being something like this:


Since my better half went to bed with all sorts of aches and such and I was too lazy too zap after the Amish in the City (yeah I know, I've barely been that low) I watched the OC. And gee, hot girl shows up. So I keep watching. Don't get me wrong, the show still sucks but girl stays hot. So after show is finished I check if hot girl, Alex be the character, is a regular or not, and she's not, more or less due to the fact that from next episode on she be having butterflies and sizzlies with Misha Barton, who plays the resident spoiled brat who likes nothing more than hating her mother. Anyways, as we all know, lesbian relationships on TV shows are always short lived, usually just to get more viewers... (well it works, they got me for the next 5-6 episodes, but that's more due to Alex...) and then one of the characters either dies or leaves. So hot chick will leave and I can stop watching the sucky show again.

Yeah I know I'm so shallow. But hey, the actress that plays Alex, is a young starting up actress called Olivia Wilde who, according to the beloved all-knowing IMDB is involved in all sorts of future movie/tv projects, so eventhough hot girl leaves sucky show, we'll be seeing more of hot girl.

And now I'll be going to bed since my Xenosaga Anime Episode 2 download just won't finish it's last %s... So I give up... for tonight.



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