Monday, June 06, 2005

So Lost

SunYes I know, I have been a bad bad Kuschi that did not update in like ages. Sorry for that.

I got back into Neopets and also my own PC is still a wreck and will stay that, so I never really felt like writing anything since Angel kept you all up-to-date on the house business.

So what's new? Well my freak-foot still hurts every now and then and the joint still pops and "knacks" but what can I do when the doc says it's all fine.
Next week is my exam for the yellow belt and I want to train until then and make sure I finally get rid of this white loser belt. lol.

The Tefkaak's life now revolves around boxing things up, throwing things away that we didn't even know we still had rotting away somewhere and watching our favourite TV shows until they get paused for summer break.

Right now we're mostly into "Lost" and "Desperate Housewifes", both of which are not on anymore until Fall. However we have nice friends with nice Internet connections who are nice enough to give us a DVD with the Episodes that already aired in the US. How nice is that?! So we'll continue watching "Lost". "Battlestar Galactica" has no 2nd Season yet but we did buy Season 1 on DVD and it's sitting on the shelf waiting to be re-watched with a certain vegetable.

I've been halted in my reading "Affinity" by trying to catch up with Angel's ever growing Manga collection, but now I did resume the book and it keeps freaking me out. I even had to stop at such a scary/exciting/freaky part last night, in the middle of the sentence because I drove Angel insane with the light. I just could not stop, it was just too horrible. I fear the worst for the happy ending of this book, but you never know. I still have faith.

I have to also learn not to care about anything anymore that I hear on the news etc. The stupid referendum and this government and 90% of the Dutch people are just pissing me off too often nowadays. And that does not accomplish anything. So I like to distract myself with Neopets, or "Jade Empire", which I finally bought and enjoy immensely. It's about to push "Fable" from the top postition in the Kuschi's fave games list. And I did not get the limited edition because that was 20 Euros more expensive and in the end I researched that it was not worth it.

It did crash once, it IS a microsoft game afterall and XBOX is also made by microsoft. But all in all it's sturdy and I just love the environment, music, fighting system and most of all the fact that I can chose from several main characters, male and female and no matter who I pick I can still have this semi-girlfriend woman who is sort of like my sidekick. Loads of flirting going on there. And just for those who know and care, I'm playing the game with scholar Ling as my character (posted pic of her somewhere here earlier).

Well that's all I can think of to write right now. I will try and be better with the updating and not let you all hang in this Kuschi-less world. Now that would just be horrible... lol :)


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