Monday, April 25, 2005

Jimi Mozart-chan?

ryunosukeI started reading blogs by english speaking people who have moved to Japan and are writing about their lives there. Mostly they have nice pictures as well. Japan just looks so nice on photographs!

Anyhoo. On a blog I visit, Alive in Kyoto, I found the funniest videoclip I have ever seen. A 5-year old guitar god called Yamagishi Ryunosuke, with the talk of a 20 year old rock star. Hehe. To view the clip click here: Click for live Stream
My Japanese is far from good enough to understand anything but he has a big mouth from what I gathered. But in a cute way. To cite: "Man, there's no one in kindergarten that can play the guitar. They can't play any instruments. Triangle, castanets, tambourine? I'm not interested in that stuff. Guitar is where it's at, man, guitar and nothing else." Hehehe, a total Shinosuke Nohara I'd say... hihi

And that TV show, it's about the same type of celebrity quiz show that Angel and I saw in Paris on the Japanese Sattelite channel where they had a quiz about Natrium... with dancing puppets that were supposed to represent natrium molecules moving through your body, I mean there was actual people in red ball suits with a big N on it that walked/rolled through "doors" in your blood vessels... Funkeh! And yesterday I saw a picture of Japanese people walking their bunny rabbits, with leash and little bunny jacket and all, in a park in central Tokyo...

Them Japanese people really be weird! So weird it's also very appealing. So Japan is definately going on my list of countries to visit before I become a vegetable.


On a different note, I have come to the conclusion that we should sell our 2 analog photo cameras and aquire the new digital version. For example the CANON EOS 20D, which is the same series we both have (Angel has EOS500 and I have EOS3000) but then digital, with 8,2 megapixels and well, most importantly, no more photorolls! My Paris photos weren't that great to begin with, since I still have so much to learn, but secondly, I took them to a drugstore, to get developed, and they ALL came back with a red stinge. And the contrast is very low. So basicly, they all suck! So in orer to skip the entire developing process and also making it easier to learn (so I can see what I am doing on the LCD) we'll have to get a digital one. Well, one day anyways. :)


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