Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Games and Brain Rock 'n Roll

otogiSo we signed bank papers on Friday and ever since we are waiting and waiting for the bank to to get them and OK them so that we finally know for sure. The past weekend we did nothing but cleaning. I swear the Tefkaak residence has never been this tidy before. And this did not happen because we turned into Stepford Wives, but rather because yesterday we had photographers come over to take pictures for the sale of the house, if we know everything for sure, that is. So naturally we're exhausted, since the Tefkaak likes moving its body as much as it adores cleaning up.

I picked up our traveling documents for Paris yesterday, so that's exciting. I also got a new game called "Otogi 2" for the xbox, which I have wanted to get for a while because of the nice graphics. And I didn't spend money, since I exchanged it for old games I didn't like anymore. Sort of a rip off but I don't play them anymore and I'm too lazy to sell them individually on ebay or sites like that. Anyhoo that new games has such beautiful graphics, it's amazing. It plays in Japan of course or at least Japanese architecture is all over the place, eventhough it's more a fantasy game. Also I can't wait until "Jade Empire" is released, because I've been saving up lunch money to buy that. I just wonder If I will have the time to play. There will be loads of stress in the next 4 months... so we'll see... In the meantime I still play my favourite game of all times "Fable". Playing it for the 3rd time now, sadly enough I cannot bring myself to play evil yet... Although this is the first time I play real proper, like with buying every house etc and doing ALL quests, also the non-optional ones and opening ALL demon doors and marrying men and women in every village... lol I'm living the life :) hehe :)


Update: Well the house thing just simply does not want to work out. Now after everything we've been through with getting the mortgage done, we have another obtacle: Time. We simply don't have enough. 4 weeks to get everything done is simply not enough, simply because the bank takes so much time. It's not up to us at all, we already signed everything, but we're not going to make it till Monday. The Bank needs to finish the paper work and that will take more than 1 week. It's not up to us. Another thing, one week later the bank needs to give a guarantee for part of the price of house, but they do that AFTER they have finished the paperwork, but we doubt they'll have done even that by that time. It's not fair. There was the easter weekend in between, we had fridays at the wrong times (i.e. things had to always wait till monday since banks and real estate places never work on friday afternoon) and if an offer from the bank takes 2 weeks, and getting the paperwork in the bank takes 2 weeks, then how are you supposed to fit that into less than 4 weeks? Simple math says it's impossible. So, we have absolutely no hope that the sellers will give us more time since they don't seem the compromising kind as we have experienced with the bidding. So if the sellers say no to the extension of the due dates, then we have to cancel the contract and we will not buy the house. That decision will be made this Friday. The sellers then will have to go through the entire process again, but they have no hurry so they don't care when they sell it or to who. Well I still hope there is some decency in them and they'll give us more time, because it's not up to us, it's up to the bank and how long it takes for them to be done with the paperwork. *big sigh*. Really whatever the outcome of this, the Tefkaak will keep major permanent physical damage. BLAH!


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