Monday, March 21, 2005

George Dubbleya Bush: Dictator and Asshole

So, we all know that the USA is not a democracy. I mean it even refers to itself as a "presidential democracy" which means it is democratic, until the president says otherwise. And since that redneck Nazi Drug addict ass of a President has said so hundreds of times, the Nation has no say anymore. It therefore is a dictatorship.

Best example: the so much loved individualism and non-interference of the government which US Americans despise so much in Communism and Dictatorships, took place this weekend when George W. Bush signed a new law that makes a woman and her husband suffer even more just because the woman's parents are extreme christians. Go figure. I'm sure you've heard about the Theresa Schiavo case, it's been all over the news in the world.

Regardless of how you feel about the issue of cutting the live support of a permantly brain-damaged comatose of 15 years, the fact that a court has ruled that she was to be relieved and let go, and that George W. Bush leaves all his duties and rushes to sign a law that makes it a CRIME for her husband and doctors to turn off the machines, just vioaltes all sorts of US constitution parts and laws and human rights.
That woman, Theresa Schiavo, is supposed to have told her husband before she went into coma, that she would not want to be kept alive artificially and rot like a vegetable. Since doctors have said there was not the slightest inch of hope due to her extensive brain damage, that she'd EVER wake up again, or even if she did, that she'd be functioning, her husband has fought for 15 years to get some peace for his wife.

Her parents however, believe that "God" meant for her to still be alive, and that he'll make her better. They don't care what she wanted in her lifetime or what her husband, who knows her better than anyone else, feels is best. Most shocking thing is, that most US Americans support Bush in signing that "law".

There are so many hypocritic things in this!

First of all you Christian Idiots: She is being kept alive only with machines, well guess what, God didn't create machines, men did. Regarding the rules of your own belief you are going against God's will and you are keeping her from going to a better place and keep her in a hellish state instead. What's wrong with you???

Secondly, as I said earlier, Americans love their individual freedoms, however in such a personal matter, the governement, no, the president himself, interferes in your life and the life of your loved ones, judging only, based on his personal beliefs, overruling a decision made by recognized courts. If the other 2 branches can just be overules like that it is a dictatorship. Nothing else. If one sole person has all the power, that's no democracy anymore. Man, you people are so dumb!!! Wake up already!

And regarding the morale moodswings of the American public. First, you're against abortion, because you believe man should not judge over a human's life (baby only little clunk, no brain yet etc...) but then you support the death penalty. In many cases even innocent people get killed through that, and even criminals leave loved ones behind that loved them. Now what is worse, getting rid of a baby that exists because of incestial rape, which will never be loved and most likely even be disabled, or killing a person, who could be innocent and regardless of that, is still a developed human being, guilty or not.
So and now this: In Hollywood movies, it's always when a person is so sick that they suffer, and there is no way they can get better, in the movies someone will relive them and kill them. It's portraied as a heroic act of compassion. However when it happens outside of movies, and the real lives of people are being influenced, all of a sudden it's immoral and barbarric. What the heck??? It's barbarric to haver her lie there for 15(!!!) years, vegetating away. All she has left are basic reflexes, the rest of her brain is completely damaged. She herself has said to her husband that she woul want to be relieved and let go and not rot like a moron. Why is her wish being ignored???

Also, in the US, the husband has a say about EVERYTHING. The second a woman marries, her hubby is boss and her parents have no right to interfere anymore, you can see that in cases which are the other way round, like abuse cases etc. Then parents cannot interfere, but in a case like this, they all of a sudden can????

Argh you people are so disgusting and barbarric you make me want to puke or kick something!!!!

I know that there is many US Americans that are against it, and who feel differently. Well then do something about it. I know it's hard, because the governemnet controlls everything, from Media up to what you do in your own bedroom. But that's exactly WHY you guys have to start fighting. You cannot just be against that shit with all your being and then just give up because it's too hard.

I mean, US Americans are so proud of defeating the imperealistic English back in the days, you fought for your freedom and to live a great life. You idiots had that freedom taken away again, by the government you elected. Take that freedom back or shut up forever! But just stop with that hypocritic shittalk already!!!!

There, I feel much better now! :D


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