Thursday, March 03, 2005


The house we looked at last night was a nightmare! It was in such a bad state that you'd have to tear out EVERYTHING. And with everything I mean, literaly everything down to the bare bricks and beams. It was such a mess. The people that live there now are such... argh... I can't even describe it. The children's rooms were horrible. Dirty, untidy and aslo dangerous. With rusty nails through the walls and stuff and in the living room the ceiling was an old ceiling that is now not allowed in houses anymore if you still want an insurance. For the state it was in, and the fact that they don't say anything truthful in the ad online, the price it's going for is way too much. The Tefkaak also already knew the second they stepped through the frontdoor(s) that the house sucked big time. I doubt anyone will just buy it. Maybe a contractor who will fix it up in his freetime and sell it again for a big profit. But man, was that an aweful house... yuck!!!!

So we're still keeping our fingers crossed for the house we like (well, which Angel likes and I still have to see ;).


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