Friday, February 11, 2005

Graveyard of cool people...

I came across the Cimetière du Père Lachaise and I found the graves of many well known people. Max Ernst (my favourite painter), Frédéric Chopin, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Georges Bizet and Gertrude Stein all lie on the same cemetary. Who would have thought.

Made me remember how I like Max Ernst's paintings so much. Especially the ones he made with the glass print method. This is my favourite one:

Max Ernst - Eye of Silence

When you see a bigger version of it it looks even better. You can spend hours looking at all the little details in it. And it looks so real, something that does not exist but if it did exist, this is how a weird jade rock-formation with fishheads and dead bodies lying around would look like I'm sure.

The only thing that makes me angry is that most of his paintings are hanging in the stupid USA. What the hell are they doing with the paintings of a German? Spread all across the USA, which means I can never go see my favourite painting. I know Max Ernst fled to the US during the war and stayed there until the 50s and that one particular painting was done in the US but having his paintings in the US means that noone else in the world gets to see them since we're not allowed into the country. So please when someone finally drops bombs on that country, make sure you don't hit the painting, please!

I wonder if people generally always have a favourite painter. Maybe a favourite genre? I'd say that Max Ernst was unique eventhough he was in an equal mental state as Salvador Dali, he still took it steps further, and as I said with the glass print method he got those wonderfully realistic looking fantasy worlds. Why is it that the greatest artists are always insane? Do you have to be insane to become an artist? Is it the price you pay for your talent? Or do you become insane in your strive for perfection?


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