Tuesday, March 01, 2005


dana's hutSo it turns out, if the Tefkaak was willing to sacrefice the city life and move to some village, the Tefkaak could live in a giant free-standing house with a huge garden and pool, 11 bedrooms, giant livingroom and kitchen, but for the same money, in the city we can barely afford 5 bedrooms and a small backgarden.

There was a house were you'd have upstairs neighbours, but the garden would be yours and it even had a hut in the garden which we already placed Dana into with a wireless Internet connection, but it got sold right away before we could even make an appointment to look at it. So we now widened our range from 1 family houses (all the ones we've seen so far were too small) to houses that you'd stil share but which would be bigger with a garden still. The Hypotheek guy yesterday told us a higher amount than we initially thought so we have more options. We'll see. I think it's a matter of time and the right house just has to be put on the market and we have to see it first... or something. :)

I guess we won't ever compromise on the city thing, eventhough we could by a villa in some village. It's just horrible to live in a place like that, where you have no public transportation, no stores, no movie theatres and stuff like that. Plus we'd be far away from the beach. So we'll keep looking and looking and the Kuschi will keep hyping about every house she sees... We kinda did put the "blokhut" for Dana in our "requirement list", though. So what do you think, crazy CaRrOt? Hut = good? Or appartment above the garage better? :P


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