Monday, February 14, 2005

Karate Kuschi

karate cat

I really like karate class and I ordered my gi which kind of finalizes joining the club. I still need to transfer the money and all but I think I'll stay happy there. :) I am already more confident and I walk straighter than usual which can only be good.

I'm sure I'll be in great pain again tomorrow but it was worth it.

Other than that the Tefkaak has started it mission, quest, thing for a new residence. Slowly, with those things you always start first. A taxation for your house (to see how much it's worth), then a talk with banks, or a mordgage person to see what prioce range we can look for and then the actual search for the house. It's quite difficult, there are so many things to consider. A save neighbourhood, with green stuff for the dogs, close to public transport, close to the beach, not too far away from our work and it has to have enough bedrooms for our guests (i.e. 2 guest bedrooms). So I guess we'll spend some time looking before anything gets serious...

Also, the Tefkaak has booked its trip to Paris, which is very exiting, since the younger half of the Tefkaak has never been there before. We wasted tons on money on a great hotel so we can enjoy it all to the fullest. :) Something to look forward to during these cold nasty dayzes.... :P


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