Wednesday, February 23, 2005

my Xbox has a first name, it's F.R.I.T.Z, my xbox has a second name, it's S.C.H.N.A.C.K.E.N.P.F.E.F.F.E.R.H.A.U.S.

I am positively surprised! Last week it was in the news that all Xbox owners had to throw out their power cable and order a free new one because of a safety issue. So I ordered mine last weekend and guess what I got in the mail today. Yup. I didn't expect that at all. First of all so fast and secondly that they sent it at all. good service I have to say. Also when I ordered it online there was no weird surveys attached or check this for newsletters crap. It was fast and no-nonsense which I'm not used to anymore nowadays especially from something owned by microsoft.

Also, I'm showing first signs of The Simpsons detox since they stopped airing them. All sorts of dialogues have popped into my head today and moi can usually not remember anything so that's saying something.

other than that I'm just freaking cold and I'm waiting for my special little schnucki to come home.


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