Monday, March 14, 2005

Snowboarding - indoors?

board As known by all of you Holland has no mountains whatsoever and with the exception of 2 weeks ago, also no snow. However there are many indoor snow-parks like de uithof in the Hague where you can rent snowboard or ski gear and go down a fake hill of fake snow. Now for me that's probably as far as I'll ever get regarding wintersports so I guess it's good. I know it's nothing like real snow and real mountain air, but it's good enough for me.

I have 2 coupons for free gear rental and free entrance for a day session so I guess I'll try it out. I snowboarded once before, it was the best fun! I'm not sure if I still know how to do it but I guess I'll find out, hehe.

So, Dana, seeing how you now have freshened up your snow-skillz how about we two go there for a day while you're here, since Angel does not wanna go and then I have a come-with-guy. You can chose wether you want one or two boards. :)Whatchasay?

I cannot guarantee, though, that I won't embaress you. So that's the risk you take. :P


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