Sunday, July 24, 2005


Ye, I know i have been neglecting you. With the move and all one would think that there would be so much to talk about but I just cannot seem to find the time between building Ikea furniture and being lazy. I play a lot of games, since, it still IS my vacation afterall. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Water Fun is really good value and I'm still playing Jade Empire. I have ust figured out that I can actually, playing a female character, can still romantically hook up with one of the other female characters in the game. I chose the princess/mysterious ninja chick that somehow so many other people hate. I think she totally rocks and she's so gorgeous but I can't find the screen shot of her as princess anywhere online and I don't know how to hook up my Xbox to take screen prints so you have to take my word for it. I read some of the comments online about that character and she is a talk-back "noble" (stuck up) kinda character towards the others in yor group but when you talk to her alone she's really sweet. But loads of guys that have tried to romance her in the game as a male character had a hard time and they all said she was a bitch. Is that what guys think when a girl is a strong character? When a girl talks back, does that turn so many guys off? I mean, I would not know, neither am I a guy, nor am I a strong chicka. I totally let people walk over me. Maybe that's why I like princess Sun Lian cause she kicks ass.

Other than that I cannot stand to see another flat-pack. I am also getting worse and worse at building them.

Great now I am being watched by two people in utter disbelief that I am updating by blog again. I fell like just closing this window and not hit "Publish". Who knows maybe the stupid back button glitch will do me a favor.

Anyhoo.... oh yeah, I also found out how utterly crap I am at handy work. When I drill a hole it goes about 3x as wide and only half as deep as I want it, not to meantion, totally crooked. I found something I suck at. Great. Now at least Angel can stop saying that I am good at everything. :P

And sad but true, I kinda want to go back to work again. Have some regular sleeping pattern again. It's weird, but when you are home for so long it all just becomes one big soup... if I didn't have a calender on this computer I would not even know what day it was. Don't get me wrong, I like being lazy and I don't necessarily like work, but I miss the rythm of regularity. Strange, huh? I turned into a stupid woman at this young an age. Well in 1 week I'll be 1 number older. Maybe that makes it less bad. At least I don't yet like furniture with flower patterns.

I'm also looking forward to doing sports again. Although my feak foot has now been joined by a freak shoulder. Same synthoms. Pain and a pop with certain movements, and a bone that sticks out more than on the other side. I'm sure it's nothing and it's just in my head and by obsessing about it I make it hurt. Well guess what will be fun when I start my tennis classes in August.

Oh well... at least I had really good pancakes this morning made of course by the Carrot, our very own kitchen fairy. And my family is coming over on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to that :)


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