Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese Birth Horoscope Thing

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What I entered:
Time Zone: 1 city Longitude: 12.23 Gender : Female
Birth Year: 1981 Month: 7 Day: 30 Hour: 17 Minute: 55

What I got:
The following is your birth chart. You are Brown Chicken, born in the year of White Chicken. The first character in DAY represents you. So you are equivalent to Soil.

Hour (kids): Female Water & Black Chicken
Day (you): Female Soil & Brown Chicken
Month (parents): Female Wood & Green Sheep
Year (ancestor): Female Metal & White Chicken

Your birth chart was generated using the Chinese Stem-Branch Calendar system. The Stems, upper row in the chart, are Five Elements which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. The Branches, lower row in the chart, are 12 animal names which are related to Five Elements. The following Five Elements distribution chart is produced from your birth chart.

Another Chart:
Soil (you): 96
Metal (kids): 225
Water (money): 30
Wood (job): 24
Fire (mom): 9

Another Explanation:
Here we select an element from the Five Element chart as your Lucky Element. The Chinese Yin-Yang Five Elements describe the BALANCE. When the Five Elements are balanced, they are in harmony and you will be lucky. When they are out of balance, they are in conflict and cause you trouble. So your lucky elements are the ones that bring the Five Elements into balance. Usually the lucky elements are the ones with a lesser weight (score). Here we want to pick Fire as your lucky element, because your Five Elements have a better shape when the weight of Fire increases.

What Happens when Fire is your lucky element:
- Horse and Snake are your lucky animals.
- Years of Horse and Snake are your lucky years.
- Months of Horse and Snake are your lucky Months.
- Summer or hot season is your lucky season.
- 9:00 - 13:00 (9 A.M. to 1 P.M.) are your lucky hours.
- Southern direction is your lucky place.
- It will bring you luck to live a house that faces south.
- You should choose a bedroom on the south side of the house.
- When arranging the office desk, you should sit facing the south.
- Your lucky color is red.
- You should wear in red often.
- You should use the red system for your house decoration.
- Take care of your Circulatory system - Heart, Blood and Tongue.
- Be careful of your eyes and small Intestine too.

What Kuschi thinks: Okay, I sort of get that I am Soil and that my lucky element is fire since I need more of it to get back in balance. However... I have NO idea where the colours for the animals come from... I don't get it. I know that I'm a chicken but that's about it... Why am I a brown chicken? I'm so confused... o_O;


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