Monday, January 23, 2006

Well I should have known

gah So I got my Karate passport today and it has been stamped 5th of January 2006... *cry* this means I have to wait 1 whole year from when I'm ready for 1st dan until I can actually take the exam... :( Well it's not as bad, maybe I can perfectionate my style in that extra year and maybe participate in kata tournaments and/or kumite tournaments. Other than that, I am now training with the black belts and I have learned all 5 shodan katas (the first 5) wheras in my regular group with the orange and other green belts we are still learning the 3rd one. So it's loads of brain stuff and also I have to work on my strength more... it feels like a role playing game and I need to gain experience to rise up one level and with every new level I get strength points or more hitpoints... haha The ray is fired at Kuschi and she loses 3 defense points... oi... -_-;

Other than that it's insanely cold here now... they expect temperatures way under freezing point tonight.... o_O; yeah... lovely. It's been already -20 in Berlin last night and my poor sister still has one of those coal ovens so she had to get up in the middle of the night and reload it... and me, I'm actually thinking of wearing long underwear for biking to work tomorrow... o_O; And my engagement ring keeps falling off my fingers since my finger shrank... I mean, there was significant shrinkage... heh XD


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