Monday, January 02, 2006

Movies I have to watch in 2006

Imagine Me And You (BBC Films) with Piper Perabo short description: "Imagine you are getting married.

The big day has arrived. You're walking down the aisle on your father's arm and your eyes meet the eyes of the person you know you're going to spend the rest of your life with.

Then imagine that that person isn't the nervous man standing next to the vicar. It isn't a man at all. It's the woman who's been employed to do the flowers in the church. "


We also still have to watch King Kong but I suppose we'll do that tonight :D

Then there's some DVDs we ordered: "Goldfish Memory" and a US-chinese movie about 2 girls :D Can't remember the name.

But yeah.

Oh and not to forget of course X-MEN 3!!! We HAVE to watch that.

Since 2006 is supposedly the year of the sequals there might not be anything else worth watching unless we get lucky and some with a brain, made a movie too. lol ;)


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