Monday, January 30, 2006

I shall now be known as: Sparkling Sen Lin

The Inscrutable Denominator of Heavenly Glory is a wondorous machine that can "Jade Empirize" you name. Since Kuschi is more Japanse sounding and I won't bore you with my real name which is greek, I picked the name Sen (cause I forgot Chihiro ;) ) and the machine made me Sparkling Sen Lin. Sparkly... cool! :D Sounds like a Spirit Monk so watch my Thousand Cuts and Stone Imortal... raarrrr :D Sorry for all the RPG talk but I played as Radiant Zi in my nth Jade Empire play-through and I just made out with the Princess again, which is just too cool for words that you can be gay in a high profile video game such as Jade Empire. So yeah, that was fun and the princess is just way cool. The only other romance option for playing a female character is a stupid guy who is rather slimeball like and betrays you later on in the game anyways... I'd gladly take any Ninja-outfit-clad under cover Princess over him. :) And when you beat the game and the Princess becomes the Empress it says in the Prologue that you are with her and she governs her Empire with her "Life Partner". lol

The game also has the option to become either good or evil and one could take the princess along on eitehr path. I of course played nauseatingly good, I had a circle of light hover over my head all second half of the game and the Empress in the end was the kindest and best Empress for hundreds of years.... but one can also become all evil and then the Princess and you go all evil on the Empire... I haven't tried that one yet, I can never get myself to just randomly kill off people... Jeebus I wonder why... *rolls eyes*

I hope that future RPGs will take JE as an example and always give the options for any possible relationship regardless of gender.


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