Thursday, September 29, 2005

The grass is always greener on the other side

It is, really. So I moved rooms today in the Office and contrary to my collegue I do prefer the new room. Granted we don't have any sunshine anymore and I DO miss that, however we also have a free view of the street (where tram 17 goes direction of the Dena's work) and no longer have to look out to a concrete courtyard that nobody ever goes into and that has only 2 small hairs of grass sprouting between the grey tiles. Now under our window we have a little pond and loads of green grass. Nice! Also, and that is the most important aspect of the entire move, we no longer are exposed to cigarette smoke and it makes me so happy, I can't even describe it. I already feel much better. So that makes a happy Kuschi. We do have to walk a LOOOONG way now to the kitchen (to wash up coffee cups etc) and the bathroom and it's a longer way to the garage to the bikes but walking in a smoke free part of the hallway can't harm anyone, can it now? :)


And I wish I could draw like this. I got it of a Marimite board so I don't know who the incredible artist is, but it's so pretty. Such a simple sketch with such meanigfully athmospheric colouring. Really beautiful. :)

And let's not forget that I shall now go hunting for the newst LOST episode. *gg* Yupp, I shall go and do that now. :)


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