Monday, September 19, 2005

Blows in Fist

Sharon_teh_toasterOf course, in the life of Tefkaak when it get's down to freezing temperatures during night, the heater does not work. So again I need to take time off work to be home when the plumber comes... again. At least my (really nice, but my-music-hating) collegue is off for 2 days so it's me and my iPod and no more crappy mainstream radio station. Whee!

Lord of the Rings soundtrack and the sun shining through the window onto my back... what more could you want from a working monday? All is well...

Believe it or not the Kuschi has actually moved her fat ass to go "jogging" yesterday. It was such nice weather so I forced myself to do it... I found my running shoes and then I grabbed my iPod and started running. 1 minuted later I had to stop and I walked on for 1 minute and then started running again... I did that routine for 20 minutes... you know... run a bit then nearly die and stop running and run again.. at least I ran straight from the road back to the house in the end... and that's about... hmmm... 300 meters... I'm so proud... hahaha... well, more of that will have to be done. At least it makes me feel better to know that I am in better shape than the other 2 inhabitants of the Tefkaak Mansion. Ha! So that's at least something.

Oh and that great diet of ours has come to an end... sort of. I can't really say I lost weight but I did lose some fat around my stomach so I guess it just got turned into muscles or something. Dunno. But I feel better at least.

We also of course watched the newest Battlestar Galactica 2k installment and I'm still no smarter. I just can't figure out if Brig-Boomer has good or bad intentions. Is she a defected Cylon who genuinely wants to help the humans because she loves the chief and Helo, or is she only playing along to guarantee her unborn baby's survival? I could not figure out if she saved Galactica with the virus attack because Adama threatened to kill her or if she planned to save them all along and it just took a while? All these questions... I doubt any of them will be answered soon. Haha...

EDIT: I found out that my page is no longer html validated since blogger screws around in my code... Once I make a new layout I shall try to fix that but I'm just saying, it's not my fault, it's blogger that fraks it up... there.


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