Monday, November 22, 2004

Wow, you're glowing!

Last night I saw that bit about Tchernobyl on the Discovery Channel. I was four at the time but I'm convinced that we didn't know back then. Since I lived in the GDR, who just like the USSR played down everything around that accident, we weren't even warned about the radioactive rain. East Germany is quite close to the Ukraine and since the radioactive cloud even reached Japan and the US, I'm sure I got some of the crap, just like so many other people. I don't know whether it was enough exposure to get sick from it and I guess if someone knew about that it would never be made public. I have to ask my parents one day how much they knew about the catastrophe back then as opposed to now. How much our government told us or warned us about back then...

On a different note, our house seems about finished on the inside (outside will still have to be done by contractors, but that is none of my concern :P). The couch(-monstrocity) is standing, all ledges on the carped are painted and nailed to the wall and I even got the router to work. Well it functions like a network hub now. Now I only have to figure out how I can let Winroute run together with zone alarm. Or I don't know if zoneAlarm itself lets other pcs on the network access the internet through my pc as a gateway. I dunno. I'll find out someday...


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