Friday, October 29, 2004

So what's new Kuschi Kat?

Hmmm I know I've been a lousy blogger/blog-reader lately. Sorry... it just all doesn't fit in my head. o_O;

I love Japanese class! I'm like this dork that always has the homework done, always studies hard and reads ahead in the book. I know everything we had so far by heart. But then again it's not like High School since this time I actually WANT to learn that stuff. I can read and write Hiragana and Katakana and like 20 Kanji (we didn't do any yet, just the ones I picked up during class...)

Other than that I really need vacation. Haven't had any since February which makes that 8 months without a break. I can totally feel that. Mentally and physically I'm exhausted. But loads of Exciting stuff is happening. Looks like we're about to finish fixing up this house. Hallway and staircase are about be get finished the coming week and soon there will be our new Ikea couch (I hope so, since I already paid for it...). And also we got a non-hair-raising quote from the contractors that will fix our outside woodwork. So all is good. :)

My Family is coming in the beginning of December so until then everything (on the inside at least) should be finished.

I still have to begin driving lessons. I'm kind of busy with the Japanese at the moment and I don't really feel like I have room for that in my head. But I'll see how I feel in the future :) My goal is to get my (2nd, but this time for a REAL car)-drivers liscence by next summer. :)

Well, there is not much more going on in Kuschi world. I do read your blogs but I just don't know what to comment... all blah in my head... sorry about that.


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