Sunday, August 08, 2004

Here the Promised Update

So yesterday I went to Eindhoven to meet some dear friends and watch *gasp* *shock* *horror* Harry Potter 3. And yes, obviously I went without Angel, who hates Hrry Potter. After getting metally ready with some coffee we bought some nachos and in we went. Since I have read all the books so far I have to say that the movie didn't do book 3 justice... but that would also be hard since the movie was already 2,5 hours long and it still lacked character depth and important events. But there simply is too much and not enough time. The kids are way too old to look 13 and that's gonna get worse in the next movies. But nevertheless I really liked the movie and I want to see it again.

Anyways... so after the movie we went and had some food... I had sate... I always have sate... haha :) So no news there. But then I had to leave since it was already 23:00 and Eindhoven is 1:40 hours away by train. And I'm a little girl... all by myself.... so there were some scary moments in the train... loud ganster-rapper wannabees who kept running through the compartments bonking against the glass doors... :S But I ignored them so they left me alone. I also still cought the last tram so I didn't have to pay for a cab. When I came home Angel was a bit miffed because it was the first day since 2 weeks she felt a bit perky and I wasn't there to be perky with her. I feel bad about that. But I have to say I enjoyed myself in Eindhoven. Nice friends, good food, good movie. :) I still missed Angel, though... :(

So today we went to Arnhem to have a picknick with a big bunch of friends. We took the dogs as well and of course they caused some mayhem... but were loved nonetheless... noone can resist our poopies... :D I still feel a little sick.. nothing I can't handle but today it was really hot (above 30 degress Celsuis) and I was all dead and tired... and then.... A STUPID WASP STUNG ME!!!! I didn't even notice but my finger started hurting and I saw the hole the stupid beast made... and my finger started to become white... so I sucked it all out but it kept hurting. Luckily there was a festival going on in the park where we sat so I could go to the first aid and they cleaned it up and put some stuff on it :) So I'm better now... Luckily I'm not allergic so that's good!

So now we're back home and it's still awfully hot... and very humid... may arms are stuck to the desk while I'm typing this...

oh and before I get of the hype... our newest hobby is this: Click me!

See, we didn't even care about them things until they said in the news that they were dangerous because there is poison in them... so of course now we went out and bought some. Naturally... :P :D I totally stink at it, though. All the things I make are crooked and the colours don't match. Angel is much better at it... :P

So much for now. Tomorrow starts my second week at my nice new job. :) Good things! :D


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