Thursday, August 26, 2004

Let the Pain commence...

Oi! So tomorrow my other two wisdom teeth will come out. I'm not looking forward to the pain but at least after that it's over. That is unless I have som scary re-growing freak teeth. Which I don't.

So I watched Kill Bill 2 yesterday. Surprising ending for a dramatic character like The Bride. I don't want to give anything away but I was happy with the ending. It's so unlike the end of other tragic murderous characters in such stories. So that's good!

Other than that I "discovered" the joys of anime fansubs. I'm just starting. What it is, is the free translation and distribution of anime series shown on Japanese TV by fans. Those series have not been liscenced yet, i.e. are not for actual sale yet, so you can download the episodes from the internet. Once they are being liscenced you can't, which makes sence. Since I'm a big fan I also don't mind buying the DVDs of my favourite ones. I still have to get the rest of the NOIR DVDs but I can only get the English ones in the US or in Britain. (amazon). There is this new Anime craze here in the Netherlands so they get loads of DVDs. But sadly from France/Belgium. So the only subtitles are French and Dutch, so I can not watch it with someone who doesn't understand those languages. So that's a bummer. Weirdly the DVDs of .hack//SIGN have English subtitles as well as English Dubbing. So maybe they'll go with that from now on. I understand they are being translated in France but there already exist English translations, so why not use them.

Oh and I also have to watch out for the "Nausicäa-Valley of the Valley of Wind" DVD which is being released soon in the US. I guess it's one last giant DVD order on since now they ask like 30% import tax when you buy anything out of Europe. What the heck??? It really pisses me off since you cannot get those DVDs anywhere else!!! Oh well. So we have to make sure we carefully check what we could maybe get in the UK before we throw out too much money.

Anyhoo, so I will continue to download some cute japanese anime series and eat loads of babyfood the coming days -__-;




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