Monday, August 16, 2004

New week; new start

So I'm back at work. I generally feel beter but I still have an ear infection which announces its presence every now and then. Since friday we play hosts to our dear friend 12chen. All we do is eat loads of junk food, watch tons of movies and spend most of our time making scoubeedoe keychains and wristbands. Angel has 2 weeks of vacation which she totally deserves. Let's hope besides all the fun things she also gets some painting done in the house. :P

On Saturday we went to the Efteling again. I uploaded some pics to my photopic page. It's not very many since my battery died on me. Mental note to self: charge camera before making fun trip!

Other than that the weather really sucks today. I got rained on this morning and I couldn't go anywhere in my lunch break because it's still wet outside. Hence the bing here and posting online thing. :P

So more news when there finally is some exciting stuff happening ;)


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