Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Saving your face

savingfaceSo yeah we finally watched Saving Face and it truly is my favourite non-victorian gay girls movie (see how I refuse to say the l-word ha!). And by non-victorian I mean that Fingersmith stays my all time favourite just cause they are. so. cute!

But yeah saving face seemed so realistic to me eventhough I have no idea if chinese american communities are really like that since I'm neither chinese nor american but it was VERY convincing how the families worked. As common in these kind of movies it just kills you how they don't "tell" either each other or other people about their feelings and all that leads to is suffering. But in the end all is well... me &heart; happy endings.

Btw, I will NEVER ever look the same way at a candybar machine ever again... *g*

Other stuff we watch is Season 4 of the America's Next Top Model (yeah our networks here are behind 2 years), how can we not watch a show of 10+ girls in a house and hate half of them and adore the other... well we only adore one of them actually which is Kahlen Rondot. We got spoiled as to who'll win and it wasn't her, which in itself is a shame since we liked her best, but actually I think you're better off not winning since then you're not bound to a shitty contract. But yeah Kahlen seems the nice calm girl who is by far the most gorgeous of them all but has such low selfesteem that she'll never see that. Plus we get a huge gay vibe from her, she's just 2qt2bstr8, and well "I don't understand why I'm so scared of boys" *rolls eyes* Could have been my quote 6 years ago. But you know, it's just a TV show and you don't really know anything about these people, but yeah we were rooting for her!

On personal stuff we have been working on our secret little project all the past week and my sister has returned home to finish it off. It was so much fun having her over, she was so nice to even leave the room exactly as she found it. Nice to know we were both raised well... lol. So now the tefkaak will have to fully concentrate on getting that bathroom quoted again (the previous quote really was outrageously high), get the garden done, and also before next winter, get the last single glass window in our bedroom changed for a double glass one, since we were freezing our arses off last night.

Oh and I made the scooby gang in my Sims2 game which reminds me that my favourite Spike quote is when they all lose their memory and he's Randy Giles and he figures out he's English "bollocks, knickers, bloody hell I'm English, too!" or something like that. Well me &heart; Spike. :D :D :D And yeah I also made an Andrew and he alreday has a crush on Xander... hahaha


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