Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Murphys law and such

Yeah, so this morning I was biking to work and I biked past a constructions site which is quite a mess. All of sudden I hear a clacking noise.... *clack* *clack* *clack*. I take out my ear-plugs and check and it's coming from my bike so I stopped and pulled my bike off the road. I could not figure out what it was but when I pushed my bike every so often I'd hear that noise again. I thought something was stuck on the rim or something. After minutes of searching I found the cause: A rusty nail, stuck on the outside of my back tire. The clacking sound came from the nail hitting the protection cover thing that is over the tire... well, nice I thought. At least it was not leaking air so it must be superficially... I pull out the nail and pffffttt. All air gone... great. So I park and lock my bike somewhere at a lamp post and run to catch a tram. I was at work at 8:30 which means I cannot leave before 5 p.m., which also means by the time I get home all bike fixing places are closed. Now I cannot ride it until I get it fixed on the weekend... suckiness! Arghness.

But then again I think how happy I should be that all that goes wrong in my life is a stupid nail in my tire...


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