Monday, July 12, 2004

Well that was a nice waste of a Monday afternoon

It turns out Internet Explorer cannot handle the simplest thing like a rowspan="2". It's a freaking table... now I had to adjust the code in a way that even the stupid moronic IE will be able to tell how big a cell should be... Argh! See... I learned real html at school.. that's what I went there for... I validated this page (taken out the errors that Haloscan and the javascript produce) and there was nothing wrong with my table. Internet Explorer just decides to stretch out 3 cells that have a fixed size and no content that does stretch... makes sense...

So the down side is now that I have an empty space on the left, right under the tree... oh well.. at least now it's cross-browser compatible... It was a simple one-table setup to begin with and I shouldn't have to sit here and find an alternative to a perfectly legal script.


Okay... I feel better now.

This morning I got rained on.... bad... like really bad! I was soaked to my underwear!!! So I sat there with my wet clothes (of course I didn't bring any spare pants) and guess what... since our department and team got split up to make room for some stupid braindead other department who decided to turn up the airco on this beautiful, 15 degress under normal temperature, rained-up monday morning I'm convinced I'll be getting the flu. DARN! The thing is that I'm left up there with only 4 other people, who I like loads but who will still be scattered. Then these new people march in, first thing they say to us is "you aren't supposed to sit there"... not a single good morning.. and guess what... we were damn well supposed to sit there! So we stayed there. Then the radio had to be turned off (wel turned down to a volume that even my ears couldn't hear anymore) because the new people are "on the phone with customers all day and hard-working". No big fucking surprise it turns out all they do during a working day is chat with each other about who slept with who and in a volume that overpowers every other sound in the office and answer 3 phone calls, 2 of which are private. It makes me so angry. Our team was the best team in our department. We worked together really well, there was team spirit, we had fun but still got loads of work done. Then one day our teamleader and our senior are both on vacation, we are left supervisor-less and what happens, some other teamleader from a different team decides to put 90% of our team 11 floors down with a notice of 4 days. I didn't want to go naturally so I said that if I had to go I'd quit right away. It worked. I mean I'm only there for another 2 weeks but at least now I'm still in the environment and some of the people I like. It sucks that 12 of my collegues are now somewhere else and that we have to answer all their phonecalls (yes, WE actually do get phonecalls) since down where they got sent off to, they of course have no usuable phones.

I know it's no use getting angry since I'm gone over 2 weeks... yet my collegues are all distraught that after all the time they've worked there (some of them for years) they get treated like this... just stuffed away somewhere... with total disregard for what they might think. Welcome to the world... nobody gives a damn!!!

Okay... I feel better now :)


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