Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Blahest Blah of the Blahs...

Darn.. I feel so blah and I can't place why... maybe because next Tuesday 2 of my wisdom teeth will be taken out and I'm all anxcious because people just won't stop telling me horror stories. Maybe it's also that I like the people I work with now and eventhough the whole section is being split up and sold anyways and I'm off to a better-paid and relaxter job I will miss the atmosphere and the people. I can't really describe it. It's weird because I know that I I wouldn't really do stuff outside of work with those people, but at work it just all fits together. So I also know once I leave that'll be it. I'm sure I'll have nice colleages at the new job as well... but I'm sure I'll miss working with Dutch women... :( I dunno maybe there's other reason why I'm so apprehensive... I just know that I lost weight and that I'm thirsty all the time. I now finally drink my 2 litres of water a day... which makes me have to go pee a lot which in return makes me all nervous again...

Oooh... boy I'm such a mess... like a giddy little Kuschi who just can't sit still... with the difference that on the outside I do sit still since I'm so exhausted that I can't move anymore... In one word: BLAH!


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