Monday, June 28, 2004

Remind me again...

... of all the negative things that Summer brings...

How come every year I block out all the crap that annoys me so much during summer and then a year later it hits me again like concrete wall with giant metal spikes?!!

Today I was biking through Scheveningen and not only was there freakish boom-box music coming from all the convertables, the not-dutch-looking passangers of those said vehicles also were on a slime roll. You know I'm proud not to be the man-hating kind of lesbian but in times like these I start showing signs of it. I don't mind people staring at my boobs but when some eastern/southern-European guy with 5000 liters baby-butt-oil in his hair checks you out and says "yeah baby" grabbing his groin in the carseat you'd just love to have a giant axe in your backpack!!!

So onwards I went after the traffic lights finally turned green when two other slime-fucks in another convertable with boom-box music honked at me... Being the insecure little Kuschi that I am I thought I had like a giant piece of birdpoe on my head or something... so I checked it out in the library bathroom yet nothing was wrong with my appearence other than the usual.

It seems that the second the thermometer jumps above 21 degrees guys just become these mutated slime monsters from anther dimension. Where's Captain Proton when you need him???


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