Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ich verspreche, ein guter Jungpionier zu sein. Ich will nach den Geboten der Jungpioniere handeln

("I promise to be a good young-pioneer. I want to act on the comendmenst of the Young-pioneers")

I was one and yes I'm proud.




WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben unsere Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
(We young-pioneers love our German Demokratic Republic)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben unsere Eltern.
(We young-pioneers love our parents)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lieben den Frieden.
(We young-pioneers love peace)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE halten Freundschaft mit den Kindern der Sowjetunion und aller Lander.
(We young-pioneers keep friendship with all children of the sowjet union and of all countries)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE lernen fleissig, sind ordentlich und diszipliniert.
(We young-pioneers study hard, are tidy and disciplined)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE achten alle arbeitenden Menschen und helfen uberall tuchtig mit.
(We young-pioneers respect all working people and we help out everywhere we can)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE sind gute Freunde und helfen einander.
(We young-pioneers are good friends and help each other)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE singen und tanzen, spielen und basteln gern.
(We young-pioneers like to sing and dance, to play and craft ("knutselen") )
WIR JUNGPIONIERE treiben Sport und halten unseren Korper gesund.
(We young-pioneers do sports and keep our body healthy)
WIR JUNGPIONIERE tragen mit Stolz unser blaues Halstuch.
(We young-pioneers proudly wear our blue necktie)
Wir bereiten uns darauf vor, gute Thalmannpioniere zu werden.
(We prepare to become great Thalmann-pionioneers)


It's not so much the gooeyness about it, but more that I have good memories from back then. The pioneers were also a after school thing. You can kind of compare it as a counter thing to the "hitlerjungend". It made sure that all children learned how to be tidy, clean and healthy and do sports etc. With a difference that it also taught us to be friends with everyone and love peace and hate war. Respect your elders and help where you can, do your homework etc. We didn't even question it. We just did it and when I compare it to the kids from nowadays being a young-pioneer back then was a good thing. :P


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