Sunday, January 04, 2004

More Pictures...

Today we went to the beach and I took our new baby, our digital camera.

Here some impressions of Dutch winter weather:

I'm not a great photographer or anything but I especially love the third picture. That is Rotterdam Industrial Harbour there in the distance. (click on an image to enlarge (1024X768))


I am planning on making a new layout for this blog with archives and photos and all that kind of stuff. Please be patient as I'm kind of busy with other stuff right now.


My grandpa isn't doing very good. I talked to my parents and they said when they went to see him he was already all yellow, had aged so much in such a short time and he couldn't eat anymore because his swollen liver was pressing on his stomach. I'm so upset. I don't want to cry again because it doesn't change anything and maybe there's still hope that he'll get chemo and will survive. It's just that the doctors are taking their time when this is a matter of life or death. Liver cancer kills you very fast... it could be a matter of weeks. My grandpa is due for a medical talk thing next week. Let's hope they'll start the chemo or maybe liver transplant (whatever they need to do to save his life) soon!

:( Enough for now. I'll keep you posted.


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