Thursday, January 01, 2004

Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King

Just a couple of stills of the by far best movie ever made. Being the huge LoTR fan that I am I have been looking forward to this part for 2 years now. I have read the books prior to seeing the movies and since then I have only fallen in love more with each and every character. Today I actually cried through the whole 3 hours and 20 minutes...

The courage, the hope, the selflessness, the love and friendship and final victory over all that is evil just grabs you and it's so intense. The actors play their parts so well and the way the film is made you feel like you're part of the story. You are in the middle. You feel their emotions right inside yourself. Well maybe I'm also just very sensitive to those kind of things.

Fact is there will never be a book like The Lord of The Rings again, and there will also never be a movie like Peter Jackson's version of it. Both are masterpieces and I'm sure if J.R.R. Tolkien was still alive he'd love the movies because I feel that what he created in his books is portraid so well in the movies that nobody could hate it! :) Well except for the people for whom any movie longer than 90 mins and any book with more than 50 pages is too long.

So if you have not seen the movie yet, or maybe even haven't read the books, I can tell you you're missing out big time.

I can't really write much more... I'm still letting the movie sink in. I will see it again soon so maybe I can write more detailed then! :)


Happy New Year by the way. It was actually surprisingly quiet in our neighbourhood. They had a huge (HUGE!) fire going at the beach and all the kids went there so they were gone from here! :) In some places boys put some cars on fire and some people died because of illegal fireworks and drunk driving but overall it seems people were calmer than usual.

I'm not sure what 2004 will bring. I wish that Americans would stop being such a bunch of ignorants and that people in the world would finally care about each other and stop all the killing... On a more realistic note I wish that all the people I care about will stay healthy and happy.

My grandfather has been diagnosed with liver cancer shortly before christmas. He was in the hospital already but they sent him home for the holidays to spend time with his family before going into chemo in January. We really don't know what his chances are and how long the cancer has already been there. My Granddad had eye cancer a couple of years ago and they had to take out his left eye so maby that's where it comes from. My whole family is now hoping for the best, that he will make it through chemo and that he'll be fine but you never know, and the fact that we know so little is making us worry.

Oh well, I'll will call him and granny now and sent them new years wishes and then maybe I'll know more.

So much for today. I'm off to watch world idol now. I'm rooting for Canada!


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