Martina Stang

Studies of plant - pollinator interactions at the community level

Curriculum vitae



1978 – 1986 Study of biology at the Free University of Berlin, with focus on plant and animal ecology, morphology and physiology

1986 Diploma thesis: “On the Pollination biology of Anthericum liliago and Stachys recta as elements of dry meadows

The Netherlands:

1993 – 1995 Training for “IVN Nature Guide” in The Hague, The Netherlands

2003 – 2007 PhD project, Leiden University, The Netherlands: “The structure of flower visitation webs: how morphology and abundance affect interaction patterns between flowers and flower visitors


Employments, Scholarships, Voluntary work

Germany :

1983 – 1986 Student tutor at the Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin

1984 – 1990 Nature guide, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Dahlem

1986 – 1987 Commissions, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin: “Mapping and characterization of dry meadows in the Werra -Meißner Region, Hessen, Germany”, “Floral biology of Pulsatilla vulgaris and Scabiosa columbaria in the Werra -Meißner Region, Hessen, Germany ”

1987 Lecturer, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin, “Phylogeny of plants”

1988 – 1989 Scholarship, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin: “Flowering phenology and pollination ecology of xerothermic vegetation complexes

1990 Lecturer, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin: “Phylogeny of plants”


The Netherlands:

1995 – to present Nature guide: Nature excursions for interested amateurs in and around The Hague, lecturer of biology and ecology courses for amateurs (IVN and KNNV), supervisor of nature guide trainee groups

2001 Associated lecturer, field course plant ecology and ecology lectures, Leiden University: “Small scale changes of species and flower diversity in a wet dune valley”, “Ecology and biodiversity of plant communities in the dunes

2002 Associated lecturer, field course plant ecology and ecology lectures, Leiden University: " The relationship between flower traits and morphological diversity of flower visitors", "Community assembly game"

2002 Associated lecturer, Field course plant ecology, University Groningen (together with Manja Kwak): “Classification of plant species based on flower traits in relation to pollinators

2003 Supervisor bachelor project (together with Peter Klinkhamer): Kirsten Kaptein: “Can blossom complexity predict the diversity of flower visitors in a Mediterranean vegetation type” (February - May 2003) see student projects

2003 Supervisor bachelor project (together with Peter Klinkhamer): Vera Geluk: “The relationship between size parameters of blossoms and their visitors in a Mediterranean plant- and insect community” (February - May 2003) see student projects

2003 - 2007 Doctoral researcher (PhD student), Plant Ecology Group, Leiden University, The Netherlands

2006 Lecturer, “University course for non-students” together with Gerrit Jan de Bruin, Leiden University: “Dunes natural” Part: Field excursions to the dunes

2007 - present Postdoctoral researcher, Plant Ecology Group, Leiden University, The Netherlands

2008-2009 Scholarschip: Catharine van Tussenbroek Fonds (Research at RMBL (Colorado, USA) and visits to the University of Arizona (Tucson), March 2008 - April 2009)

2009 Supervisor REU student project at the RMBL: Melissa Pickett: “The relationships among butterfly size, visitation rate, handling time, and floral display size” (June - August 2009)

2009 Lecturer, Bio-Ethiks, Leiden University, November - December


Professional and Community Service

Manuscript Reviewer for American Naturalist, Annals of Botany, Basic and Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology, Ecological Applications, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Functional Ecology, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Oecologia, Oikos, Proceedings of the British Royal Society B


Research projects and Collaborations

1984 -1985 Master thesis project: “On the Pollination biology of Anthericum liliago and Stachys recta as elements of dry meadows”, supervision Bodo Schick, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin, Germany

1987 – 1991 Research project “Flowering phenology and pollination ecology of xerothermic vegetation complexes in Central Europe” supervision Bodo Schick, Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, Free University of Berlin, Germany (see also research procects)

1995 – 1997 Research project “Flowering phenology and pollination biology of insect pollinated plants in the dunes”, Leiden University, Plant Ecology Group, Eddy van der Meijden

1997– 1999 Research projects “Functional morphology and functional classification of flowers” and “The anthogram, a method to describe flowering phenology and floral diversity of plant communities” with Bodo Schick, University of Kassel, Germany

1999 Research project in Austria: “Floral biology of alpine plants” with Werner Kreisch, associated scientist Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Germany,

2000 – 2002 Research projects: “Developing and testing an index of floral complexity” and “Plant species diversity and floral biology along an abiotical gradient in a wet dune valley”, Leiden University, with Eddy van der Meijden

2003 – 2007 Doctoral research project at Leiden University (The Netherlands) with field work in Spain: “The structure of flower visitation webs: how morphology and abundance affect interaction patterns between flowers and flower visitors” Promotor: Eddy van der Meijden, Co-promotor: Peter Klinkhamer (see also research procects)

2008 - 2010 Postdoctoral research project "Species traits and the structure of pollination webs" with Nickolas M. Waser and Mary Price, University of California, University of Arizona, RMBL, USA, and Peter Klinkhamer and Eddy van der Meijden, Leiden University, The Netherlands (see also collaborations).