wait and see...

Keep looking at this photo of "THE NAPOLEONS LIVE!" and see what happens...!

L-R: Joke, Rixk, Eric

Ah, you pressed Control-A again. What's that you were saying about Joke's dress? Ah! You've got it all wrong!
You see, Joke ain't no Spice Girl... it's the Spice Girls who are a joke !!

For the real freaks: that's a Coral DeLuxe bass and an Egmond Thunder guitar (what's left of it).
Rixk plays an original Crapwood drum kit as far as I can tell...

Eric: lead vocals & guitar

Rixk: drums & cymbals, vocals
Joke: bass (and vocals after lots of beers)

Photos taken Oct. 23rd 1997 at OJV de Koornbeurs, Delft (Holland), by the infamous Boppie! (More to follow...)


Back to the Napoleons' bluff and baloney: here you go...!

Last update Nov 11th, 1997