Base | Lab | MCSE | Servers | Server02

2004 06 10

Base | Lab | MCSE | Servers | Server02


OS Installation

With the newly created bootable ISO a a virtual CD-ROM drive, I kicked off the installation of this second server. Sure enough, things went by quicker than the installation of the first one, but that might just as well be because of not using the external hard drive anymore.

I busied myself with reading about hotfixes and slipstreaming and every now and then entering a few details for the installation process.

I used the same options as for Server01, other than (obviously) the server name.

On several occasions, I got the impression that all activity inside the virtual machine had stopped, only to 'wake up' again when I switched the focus back to the window. Also, I switched back on various occasions when the installation was waiting at a prompt. Not in the least, I was also downloading some fairly large files and playing music through iTunes. All in all, I think these were not ideal circumstances for a fast installation. Nevertheless, it took only a little over an hour and a half to complete, including the installation of VMWare tools. (every reboot takes around 10 minutes, so time does go by quickly)