Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Kuschi's Work

So I'm like all working again now. Making money. Contributing to the household. I feel so great. :| See I'm so happy. I'm making like half of what Angel is making but hey... I'm a temp and she works for the UN and she's a decade older... :p So alltogether we are making quite te buffer zone so to speak... Loads of "preventing-house-from-falling-apart" - repairs are soon to come of that I guess... I hope I'll have this job for a while and when I'm done I'll finally find a contract-job so I can get a mortgage and we can sell the house and move and then finally marry and not worry about stuff anymore.

Anyhoo... so I'm biking to work every day. It's 8 km which translates to 30 minutes on a normal day and to 40 minutes when it's stormy (which is basicly normal here anyway). Lost some weight already, not that I need it... but I feel healthier... well not exactly when I breathe in exaust on the main road but you get the picture. Other than that we spend way too much money on food now that we BOTH go to Albert Hijn on our way home from work and BOTH buy dinner and then we have too much... ;) Other than that we spend our time lusting after Roos van Acker from Peking Express and try to catch up with all the movies we still have to watch.



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