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Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere

I liked this book, though I wasn't swept away by it. But it was a fun read. Entertaining.

I attempted to read Indecision, but it was such a crap book that I tossed it after about 20 pages (I broke my own 100 page rule! That's how boring it was!). Stay away from it, you will hate it.

Currently Reading: Diana Wynne Jones - The Ogre Downstairs
On the stack: Dan Simmons - Olympos, Tad Williams - Shadowmarch, Eoin Colfer - Artemis Fowl (book three), Salman Rushdie - Shalimar's Clown, Jane Urquhart - the Stonecarvers, Tobias Moore - Death by Chocolate, Harry Mulisch - The discovery of heaven, Jodi Picoult - Salem Falls, Khaled Hosseini - The Kite Runner, Terri Paddock - Come Clean, Julie Burchill - Sugar Rush, Neil Gaiman - American Gods, Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood

[05 December 2006 | ]