Why of course.

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ-March 30, 2005 — A 15-year-old girl was shot to death after refusing a man's demand for a kiss, authorities said.

Elisa Hernandez, a high school sophomore, had gone to an apartment in the Brigantine Homes housing complex where she lived to visit with girlfriends just before midnight Tuesday.

Alfred R. Bishop, 21, a friend of the apartment's occupants who stored some of his belongings there, arrived shortly afterward. After some casual conversation, he tried to get Hernandez to kiss him, Atlantic County Prosecutor Jeffrey Blitz said.

Hernandez laughed at him, prompting Bishop to pull out a pistol, put it to her head and again demanded a kiss, Blitz said. According to witnesses, she said no and pushed the gun away twice before he shot her through the left eye and fled, Blitz said.

Hernandez, who knew Bishop but had no prior relationship with him, died at the scene.

Bishop remained at large Wednesday evening. Blitz said he would be charged with murder.

In other news, Some braindead idiot in Belgium stuffed a dead baby in the garbage. Garbage collector guys that found it are traumatized.

This world is truly a crazy place. I wonder sometimes what I am doing here.

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