(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis: Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind - The November 1976 Tour Revisited
Deelen, Arjan ; Daly, Jon (2022)

Jon Daly, The EP Blvd. Pawn Shop , Memphis (TN)
hardback , 152 pages , 25.5 x 20.5 x 1.5 cm , 0.798 kg
ISBN-10: 94-93049-93-0 , ISBN-13: 978-94-93049-93-2

Category: Concerts and television appearances
Language: English
Description: The book details the November 1976 West Coast Tour, and does so in remarkable detail. With full cooperation of Elvis' road manager Charles Stone, who also wrote the introduction, the book gives you unique VIP access on that tour. There are over 150 photographs, unpublished paperwork from Colonel Parker's office, insights from the musicians, memorabilia, tour and recording details, original advertisements, reviews, memories from the fans and more. This is a fun book that really brings that tour back to life. Elvis had lost a lot of weight, and was looking and sounding better than he had in a while. He was excited about performing again, and in many of the photo presented in the book you can clearly see that sense of joy in his face. The book is printed in a limited edition.
Source: Elvis Shop London
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks

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