(Click cover to enlarge)

Io, Elvis - La Storia Immortale Del Re Del Rock
Borgognone, Paolo (2023)

Diarkos , Italy
paperback , 512 pages
ISBN-10: 88-3616-321-1 , ISBN-13: 978-88-3616-321-2

Category: Biographies
Language: Italian
Description: Elvis Presley occupied, before and after his death, a special place in the Olympus of the greats of the 20th century, going beyond simple musical boundaries to enter the collective imagination and, inevitably, remain there. Revolutionary, scandalous, irreverent, overwhelmed by success first and excess later, victim of himself and his own legend, even today his figure - as a singer, actor, artist and celebrity - remains an icon of pop culture, not just American but global. Increased and updated, between unpublished curiosities and in-depth background, up to the most recent events, Paolo Borgognone's book retraces the ascent towards the pinnacle of the King of rock'n'roll, descending among the torments and fears of a man, Elvis Aaron Presley, son of a contradictory and at the same time exciting era, capable of being a bridge between distant worlds and of shaping music in his own image and likeness. As only a King could do. English title: 'I, Elvis. The immortal story of the king of rock'.
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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