(Click cover to enlarge)

Elvis. Storia Dell'icona Più Amata Di Tutti I Tempi
Hoedel, Sally Ann ; Fanelli, Valentina (transl.) ; Bovara, Marina (transl) (2022)

Newton Compton Editori , Italy
paperback , 352 pages
ISBN-10: 88-227-7028-5 , ISBN-13: 978-88-227-7028-8

Category: Reference
Language: Italian
Description: Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. He was only forty-two years old. Everything has been said and written about the circumstances of his disappearance, and the most disparate theories hover around the fateful night in which the greatest star of the twentieth century passed away. Icon, stage animal, music legend but also son, father, husband: who was Elvis really off the stage and what was the cause of his death? Sally A. Hoedel interviewed hundreds of witnesses, collected scientific evidence and official documents to piece together the missing pieces of a story about which, many years later, very little is still known. The result is an exciting investigative book, which gives Elvis back his humanity, illuminating the mists of myth and revealing something even more shocking: contrary to popular belief, nothing could have saved the king of rock and roll.
Source: Amazon.
English translation of the title: 'Elvis. Story of the most beloved icon of all time'. This is the Italian translation of Sall's book 'Destined To Die Young', first released in 2020
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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